
Latest version: v0.5.7

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This is an early preview of some of the breaking changes in the upcoming 0.3.0 release.

New Features

- New API: instead of taking in single characters, the `_feed` function now takes in blocks of characters at once, to improve efficiency
- `end` support is now optional. This is part of the API changes, because now end handling is through a separate `_end` function.
- Fallthrough semantics: the `else` path of a `case` node, as well as jumps into `catch` blocks no longer consume a character, and instead
properly forward it to the first match in the target block.

Infrastructure Changes

- NMFU now also builds AppImages


This is a minor bugfix release with a few new features

New Features

- New option `-fuse-cplusplus-guard` which makes the generated headers C++ compatible

Bugs Fixed

- Previously, a try-except block with an empty handler would cause an error; now it correctly does nothing and exit on an error.


This is a feature release which adds hooks and a few miscellaneous features.

New Features

- Hooks:
- Parsers can now call arbitrary callbacks at arbitrary points like macros
- These hooks get a pointer to the current state and input character
- In the future, these may be used for things like buffering large outputs
- Append-character expressions
- Append expressions can now add individual character codes from a math expression
- e.g: `out_var += [$last - 3];`

Bugs Fixed

- Case labels with inverted character classes (or non-erroring Else transitions) would accept too few inputs
- Macros with more than one statement would be truncated
- Custom Else transitions were not properly dealt with by the ambiguous detection logic and so a variety of things involving wildcards would fail in strange ways.

Infrastructure Changes

- NMFU now has a test suite, install the necessary dependencies with the `tests` extra and run with `pytest`
- NMFU now has CI, see the badge in the README
- NMFU can now build as a snap


This is a release candidate for the upcoming 0.2.0 release. A full changelog will be written when it is released proper.

General Summary

- Added hooks
- Added tests


This is a minor bugfix release to v0.1.

Bugs Fixed

- The grammar was incorrectly matching positive floating point or integer numbers when it should have been matching signed integers. Actual floating point support is yet to come.


First release of NMFU

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