
Latest version: v1.1.0

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New version of nmpyc fixing smaller issues and slightly changing the syntax by renaming some attributes.

The changes compared to the previous version include the following points:

- the attribute sampling_rate of the class system was renamed to sampling_time
- fixed false copying of the open loop solutions if osqp is selected
- fixed false application of solver settings if a scipy solver is selected
- the usage of the deprecated function getargspec() from the inspect module was changed to getfullargspec()
- added function to check if a system is autonomous
- changes some titles of plots
- changed the implementation of overloaded math functions
- fixed some typos in the docstrings and the names of attributes
- fixed wrong coding for usage with terminal cost by goxx00 in https://github.com/nMPyC/nmpyc/pull/2

New Contributors: goxx00 made their first contribution in https://github.com/nMPyC/nmpyc/pull/2

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/nMPyC/nmpyc/compare/v1.0.3...v1.1.0


Fixed an issue that occurs during simulations for timvariant contiuous time problems.


New release of nmpyc fixing known issues of the previous version.

The changes compared to the previous version include the following points:

- fixed errors in model.solve_ocp()
- fixed errors in the dicretization methods for LQPs
- fixed small bugs in the opti class
- chnaged handling of the time parameter t when using casadi optimizer


**First official release of nmpyc.**

The changes compared to the previous pre-release version include the following points:
- changed return value of t_cl, x_cl, u_cl to numpy array (matching the documentation)
- minor changes in the string outputs
- revision of the doc files and the README.md


First public release of the nmpyc Python package.



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