- Workload models.
- `Network`: a DAG of layers, rather than a linear pipeline.
- New layer types: pooling layer (local region layer).
- Enforce layer chaining has matched data size.
- New neural network: GoogLeNet.
- Hardware models.
- `NodeRegion`.
- Used to denote memory regions, i.e., relative positions and sizes of
memories to the computation node NoC.
- Support 2D memories, which are on the edges of the chip.
- Software models.
- `FmapPosition` and `FmapRange`: a position and a range in batched fmaps.
- `FmapRangeMap`: efficient map structure of `FmapPosition` type.
- `DataLayout`: describes the layer i/ofmap data layout.
- Use a `FmapRangeMap` to map each data element to the stored node.
- Partition schemes.
- Batch partitioning: partition input data within a batch.
- Explorers and solvers.
- `SchedulingResultDict`: store layer scheduling results of a network.
- More checks to enforce the schedules have the correct number of operations
as the given workloads.
- Workload models.
- Update all network structures to include pooling layers.
- Software models.
- Allow different partitioning factor along height and width of a fmap, i.e.,
allow different height and width sizes of the partitioned fmap.
- Explorers and solvers.
- `NNDataflow`: new top-level class.
- Software engineering:
- Significant code refactoring to improve modularity.
- More classes, e.g., `MapStrategy`, `LoopBlockingScheme`, `Scheduling`.
- Code style lint.
- Update option names to be more uniform.
- Standardize class stringify.
- Option `--hybrid_partition2d`, now is `--hybrid_partition`.
- Use of `map()` function in `PhyDim2`.
- Name of `namedtuple` sublasses.
- Structure configuration of ResNet152.
[init -- v1.0] -- 2017-01-21
- Workload models:
- Two layer types: convolutional layer and fully-connected layer.
- Supported neural neworks: AlexNet, VGG, VGG19, ZFNet, ResNet152.
- Supported data categories: ifmaps, ofmaps, and weights.
- Hardware models:
- 2D Network-on-Chip (NoC) on the PE array (node) level.
- 2D PE array on the PE level.
- Memory hierarchy:
- regf: register file in a PE.
- itcn: interconnect between PEs in an array.
- gbuf: global buffer of an array.
- dram: main memory.
- Cost (energy) of computation operations (MAC, etc.), memory hierarchy
accesses, NoC hop traversals, and static leakage.
- Software models:
- Eyeriss Row-Stationary mapping to PE array (Chen et al., ISCA 2016).
- Loop blocking schemes over ifmap channel, ofmap channel, and batch loops.
- Loop reordering: exchange loop order.
- Loop blocking: split a loop into multiple ones.
- Partition schemes to split the workload of a layer to different nodes.
- Fmap partitioning: partition height/width of a fmap.
- Output partitioning: partition different fmaps (channels).
- Explorers and solvers:
- Per-layer schedule exploration.
- Exhaustive search loop blocking schemes and partitioning schemes.
- Analytically solve bypass loop ordering (Gao et al., ASPLOS 2017).
- Naive partitioning scheme (Kim et al., ISCA 2016).
- Software engineering
- Support multi-process parallel processing.