With this new release, three main updates have been added:
* support for custom network spatial structures through the ``geometry`` module, from the SENeC package [``PyNCulture``](https://github.com/SENeC-Initiative/PyNCulture). So far, edge distance is still computed as the simple distance between neurons, not taking potential obstacles into account.
* multithreaded algorithms for ``fixed/gaussian_degree`` methods, as well as the ``distance_rule`` generator.
* ``set_minis`` method to simulate synaptic noise from spontaneous release of neurotransmitters.
Other improvements:
* added logging
* removed ``globals.py`` and moved features to ``lib``
* improved support for edge attributes (still a work in progress)
* custom graph plotting with matplotlib (work inprogress)
Planned improvements for next release:
* support of all main graph formats for IO
* full support of node and edge attributes
* more complete tests for Travis