
Latest version: v2.0.1

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What's Changed

> New filters and capabilities to create your own filters and filter factories.

Available filters

- EqFilter
- EqualFilter (Alias of EqFilter)
- NotEqualFilter
- GreaterThanFilter
- GreaterOrEqualFilter
- LessThanFilter
- LessOrEqualFilter
- LikeFilter

Using custom filters

Nocodb is evolving and new operators are coming with each release.

Most of the basic operations are inside this package but you could need some new
feature that could not be added yet.
For those filters you can build your own.

Example for basic filters:

from nocodb.filters.factory import basic_filter_class_factory

BasicFilter = basic_filter_class_factory('=')
table_rows = client.table_row_list(project, table_name, BasicFilter('age', '16'))

You can find the updated list of all the available nocodb operators [here](

In some cases you might want to write your own filter string as described in the previous link.
For that cases you can use the less-semmantic RawFilter.

from nocodb.filters.raw_filter import RawFilter

table_rows = client.table_row_list(project, table_name, RawFilter('(birthday,eq,exactDate,2023-06-01)'))

In some cases we might want to have a file with some custom raw filters already defined by us.
We can easily create custom raw filter classes using `raw_template_filter_class_factory`.

from nocodb.filters.factory import raw_template_filter_class_factory

BirthdayDateFilter = raw_template_filter_class_factory('(birthday,eq,exactDate,{})')
ExactDateEqFilter = raw_template_filter_class_factory('({},eq,exactDate,{})')
ExactDateOpFilter = raw_template_filter_class_factory('({},{op},exactDate,{})')

table_rows = client.table_row_list(project, table_name, BirthdayDateFilter('2023-06-01'))
table_rows = client.table_row_list(project, table_name, ExactDateEqFilter('column', '2023-06-01'))
table_rows = client.table_row_list(project, table_name, ExactDateOpFilter('column', '2023-06-01', op='eq'))

from nocodb import filters

Basic filters...
nick_filter = filters.EqFilter("nickname", "elchicodepython")
country_filter = filters.EqFilter("country", "es")
girlfriend_code = filters.EqFilter("gfcode", "404")
current_mood_code = filters.EqFilter("moodcode", "418")

Combining filters using logical filters
or_filter = filters.Or(nick_filter, country_filter)
and_filter = filters.And(girlfriend_code, current_mood_code)

Negating filters with a Not filter
not_me = filters.Not(filters.EqFilter("nickname", "elchicodepython"))

You can also combine combinations
or_combined_filter = filters.Or(or_filter, and_filter)
and_combined_filter = filters.And(or_filter, and_filter)


New Features

Raise NocoDBAPIError exception for unsuccessful requests

NocoDBAPIError exception will be raised when the request did not return a sucessful response. Otherwise, it's hard to know whether the request was a success or not.

Thanks to delenamalan for this feature!


General changes

Library system changed to `semantic versioning`.

New Features

NocoDB Project Creation

- Example with default database

project_body = {"title": "My new project"}
project = client.project_create(body=project_body)

- Example with Postgresql database

project_body = {
"title": "MyProject",
"bases": [
"type": "pg",
"config": {
"client": "pg",
"connection": {
"host": "localhost",
"port": "5432",
"user": "postgres",
"password": "postgres",
"database": "postgres"
"searchPath": [
"inflection_column": "camelize",
"inflection_table": "camelize"
"external": True
project = client.project_create(body=project_body)

Thanks to davert0 for this feature!



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