
Latest version: v0.7.4

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I have added the Art Institute of Chicago (ARTIC) API. Also, I am now using wheels instead of eggs for the build.


For this release I have added only one API, the monstrous USA Spending API, rivaled only by its subject matter.


Added dependencies to pyproject.toml (again, but the correct way this time 👍).


Added requirements to pyproject.toml.


I have added some new APIs and categories. I have also added to each API class an "about" attribute that returns a short description of the API. And I have included a new function in the helperFuncs module to handle API requests that use POST instead of GET.


I have added a few more modules/categories with a few more free APIs. I have also added a function in the helperFuncs module called get_api_list that prints all the APIs, by category, that are supported by the nokey package.

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