
Latest version: v0.21.4

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This release having no changes to code, but increasing release number to match minor version of salt-nornir 0.18.0 version



1. InventoryFun added new function - list_hosts_platforms - to produce a dictionary keyed by hosts' names with values of their platforms


1. DictInvenotry fixed to properly handle empty inventory data or inventory that does not have hosts.


1. Removed Netbox connection plugin and Netbox tasks, functionality moved to salt-nornir netbox pillar and nr.netbox execution modules. The reason is, integration with Salt provided better scaling compared to calling out Netbox API from hosts tasks, where one API request sent per each host task runs on. FOr substantial number of hosts that might not be the best way of doing it. SaltStack execution modules and pillar modules however, can serve as an aggregation points, gathering or pushing data for several hosts using less number of API calls.



1. InventoryFun added new function - list_hosts_platforms - to produce a dictionary keyed by hosts' names with values of their platforms



1. TestsProcessor added support to build per-host tests suites and per-host commands using Jinja2 and YAML
2. scrapli_netconf_call task added support for commit confirmed to transaction function


1. Tested and updated depemdencies:
- pydantic 1.9.1 -> 1.10.2
- jmespath 1.0.0 -> 1.0.1
- nornir-scrapli 2022.1.30 -> 2022.07.30
- pygnmi 0.8.4 -> 0.8.9
- requests 2.27.1 -> 2.28.1
- scrapli 2022.1.30 -> 2022.07.30
- scrapli-community 2022.1.30 -> 2022.07.30
- scrapli-netconf 2022.1.30 -> 2022.07.30
- tabulate 0.8.9 -> 0.8.10
- lxml 4.8.0 -> 4.9.1
- jinja2 3.0.3 -> 3.1.2



1. Added NetboxConnectionPlugin to interact with netbox from task plugins using pynetbox
2. Added netbox_tasks plugin with these functions:

- netbox_tasks - function to call one of task plugins
- sync_device_from_netbox - to sync data from Netbox device to Nornir host data inventory
- sync_device_to_netbox - to sync Nornir Inventory devices data to Netbox


1. Improved RetryRunner logging of connection exceptions
2. Improved HostsKeepalive function handling for puresnmp, http and netbox connection plugins
3. Improved netmiko_send_config result collection handling to capture not only config changes but also commit and exit config results
4. Improved "\\n" handling for send_config tasks to make sure escaped new line is not altered



1. Added PuseSNMPPlugin connection plugin to communicate with devices over SNMP using puresnmp library
2. Added puresnmp_call task plugin to run SNMP tasks

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