
Latest version: v0.7.2

Safety actively analyzes 706267 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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* feature: added a cleanup script to delete reports older than a given number of days, optionally filterable by report name.



* packaging: refresh package description and metadata for pypi



* compat: compatibility with python 3.11 and later
* deps: do not pin werkzeug/flask 2.
* docs: do not pin old versions of docutils/sphinx, optional extra dependencies to build docs
* bugfix: fix an issue where deleting a report was not deleting the associated GridFS objects as expected.


* Feature: Flag to preserve original working directory when running notebooks to make local imports and relative paths work.


* Bugfix: Folders with spaces in their names are now correctly handled in the webapp.
* Chore: Fix readthedocs build and broken CircleCI link.
* Chore: Applying & enforcing Black and Prettier to Python and JS code, respectively. Setting Black version to 22.8.0 for CircleCI.
* Bugfix: Preserve the "mailfrom" parameter on notebook rerun.


* Feature: GridFS document storage in Mongo-backed instances is now sharded if the mongo server supports it.
* Bugfix: None will stop appearing at the top of reports with nbconvert>7.0.0

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