
Latest version: v0.10.0

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- Notebook ID added to the Tag model JSON output
- Additional tag information added to the Note model JSON output
- Notebook ID removed from the Tag List and Note List resources JSON output
- Author added to the About resource output


- About resource added
- Notes returned by Note List and Search resources changed to lightweight notes
(without the Body field)
- Maximum length of the Title and Body fields of the Note model increased
- Fresh access token restriction added back to the Delete method of the
Notebook resource. Restriction added to the Delete method of the Note and Tag


- Typing fix in unit tests
- 201 responses improvement


- Autoincrement integer primary keys changed to random UUID primary keys
- Note model Created and Last Modified timestamps fix
- Created and Last Modified timestamps added for User, Notebook and Tag models


- Fresh access token restriction removed from the Delete method of the Notebook
- Method documentation fix
- Typing improvement


- Initial version

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