* Drop support for end-of-life Python 3.7 * Chain `RequestExceptions` when raising an `HTTPError` so users can view the full context in stack traces etc.
* Adds `one_click_unsubscribe_url` parameter to `send_email_notification`
* Removes the `is_csv` parameter to `prepare_upload`. * Adds the `filename` parameter to `prepare_upload`. See [our documentation](https://docs.notifications.service.gov.uk/python.html#send-a-file-by-email) for guidance on how to use this.
* Add support for python 3.12
* Reuse the same `requests.session` between requests to increase performance through HTTP Keepalive
* Some minor non-functional code reformatting. * Changing emitted logs to use lazy %-based evaluation rather than upfront "".format * Changing an error-level log to a warning-level log (request failures). These still throw the actual exception to be caught and handled by the calling code.