
Latest version: v0.0.27

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* Added support for HTML image uploading with `--html-img` flag. Thanks wongsingfo!


Adds GFM Checkbox -> TodoBlock conversion as well as supports relative images using `file://` or URL encoding in them.


New major version because the preferred CLI calling convetion has changed; call with `python -m md2notion [token_v2] [page-url] [...markdown_path_glob_or_url]` instead. The old way is still there, just not preferred.

This also adds `--clear-previous` and `--append` flags. See for details.


Fixed markdown table uploading to Notion

Also adds a bunch more tests and converted the repository to pipenv


* Fixed Images not working
* added a bunch more tests for stability
* also should allow images to work in certain corner cases (like inside of links)


Feature complete release, everything Markdown supports should be supported for upload.

Added a bunch of tests too!

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