
Latest version: v1.0.1

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* **NOTE** : 0.6.0 will break existing code that sub-classes WebsocketProxy
* Refactor to use standard SocketServer RequestHandler design
* Fix zombie process bug on certain systems when using multiprocessing
* Add better unit tests
* Log information via python `logging` module



* use upstream einaros/ws (>=0.4.27) with websockify.js
* file_only and no_parent security options for WSRequestHandler
* Update build of web-socket-js (c0855c6cae)
* add include/web-socket-js-project submodule to gimite/web-socket-js
for DSFG compliance.
* drop Hixie protocol support



* ***NOTE*** : 0.5.0 will drop Hixie protocol support
* add include/ directory and remove some dev files from source



* ***NOTE*** : 0.5.0 will drop Hixie protocol support
* use Buffer base64 support in Node.js implementation



* refactor into modules: websocket, websocketproxy
* switch to web-socket-js that uses IETF 6455
* change to MPL 2.0 license for include/*.js
* fix session recording



* re-released with updated version number

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