**Heads up!** This is a very big release for Nox. Please read these release notes thoroughly and reach out to us on GitHub if you run into issues.
Breaking changes and other important notes:
* Nox is now published as "nox" on PyPI. This means that Nox is installed via `pip install nox` instead of `nox-automation`. Since the new release makes so many breaking changes, we won't be updating the old `nox-automation` package.
* Nox's configuration file is now called `noxfile.py` instead of `nox.py`.
* Nox no longer supports Python 2.7. You can still create and run Python 2.7 sessions, but Nox itself must be installed using Python 3.5+.
* Nox's behavior has been changed from *declarative* to *imperative*. Session actions now run immediately. Existing code to setup session virtualenv, such as `session.interpreter` **will break**! Please consult the documentation on how to use `nox.session(python=[...])` to configure virtualenvs for sessions.
* Nox now uses calver for releases.
* Support for the legacy naming convention (for example, `session_tests`) has been removed.
Other changes:
* Update colorlog dependency range.
* Update installation command in contributing. (101)
* Remove Python 2.x object inheritance. (109)
* Fix python syntax error on docs. (111)
* Show additional links on PyPI. (108)
* Add contributors file. (113)
* Run sphinx with -W option. (115)
* Using `os.pathsep` instead of a hardcoded `':'`. (105)
* Use a configuration file for readthedocs. (107)
* Add 'py' alias for `nox.session(python=...)`.
* Fix processing of numeric Python versions that specify a patch version.
* Use Black to format code.
* Support invoking Nox using `python -m nox`.
* Produce better error message when sessions can't be found.
* Fix missing links in README.rst.
* Remove usage of future imports.
* Remove usage of six.
* Make session.install a simple alias for session.run.
* Refactor nox.command.Command as nox.command.run, reducing complexity.
* Add list of projects that use Nox.
* Use witchhazel pygments theme.