- Updated the way axons post-processing is handled during fascicle and nerve simulation:
- These must now be defined as functions instead of external Python scripts.
- For backward compatibility, some built-in postprocessing functions can be called using str (see ``builtin_postproc_functions``).
- The ``postproc_script`` attribute has been retained to set the postprocessing as either ``str`` or ``function`` regardless of the type.
- The postproc function must at least take an ``axon_results`` as argument and return an ``axon_results``, evantual key arguments can be added to the ``postproc_kwargs`` attribute.
- Add ``block_summary`` method in ``axons_results`` which returns axon block characteristics: blocked, onset response, number of onset APs.
- Add ``getAPspeed`` and ``get_avg_AP_speed`` methods in ``axons_results`` to measure AP propagation velocity. Should be used instead of ``speed`` (deprecated method)
- Add ``is_blocked`` method in ``axons_results`` to detect AP propagation block. Should be used instead of ``block`` (deprecated method)
- Add ``is_recruited`` method in ``axons_results`` to detect AP in an axon.
- Add optional ``normalize`` bool parameter in ``get_recruited_axons``, ``get_recruited_axons_greater_than``, ``get_recruited_axons_lesser_than`` methods from ``fascicle_results``
- Action potential (AP) analysis methods added in ``axons_results`` (``split_APs``, ``count_APs``, ``get_start_APs``, ``detect_AP_collisions``, etc). See usage in example 18
- Several plot functions added in ``axons_results`` (``raster_plot``, ``colormap_plot`` and ``plot_x_t``)
- ``self.save_path`` from fascicle and nerve is passed to postprocessing_function/scripts if specified and used to save data from postprocessing_function/scripts.
- Fascicles and Nerve return ``nerve_results`` and ``fascicle_results`` by default (``self.return_parameters_only`` and ``self.save_results`` are false at init)
- Updated tutorials and examples with newest features, removed use of deprecated methods/functions
- Add and to run all examples/tutorials
- Reorganized Example folder
- reworked ``rasterize`` method of the ``axon_result`` class
- deprecated functions of ``CL_postprocessing``
- Add the ``axon_block_threshold`` function in ``CL_simulations`` to evaluate block thresholds with arbitrary stimulation settings
- deprecated ``block_threshold_point_source`` and ``block_threshold_from_axon``from ``CL_simulations`` as they are replaced by the more generalized version ``axon_block_threshold``.
- Add the ``axon_AP_threshold`` function in ``CL_simulations`` to evaluate activation thresholds with arbitrary stimulation settings (see Example 16)
- deprecated ``firing_threshold_point_source`` and ``firing_threshold_from_axon``from ``CL_simulations`` as they are replaced by the more generalized version ``axon_AP_threshold``.
- Added CL simulation documentation.
- Added the ``search_threshold_dispatcher`` function to parallelize the exploration to parameter effect on threshold + doc & example (see Example 17)
- Doc gallery for examples. Examples have been relocated to ``docs/examples``
- issues with mcore optimization
- Fix duplicate node count in node_index of myelinated axons
- ``fit_to_size`` parameter in ``fill_with_population`` is not considered if fascicle diameter is None
- ``remove_outliers`` parameter in ``fill_with_population`` is not called if fascicle diameter is None