This release has a significant set of the new capabilities:
* Ability to create new output formats without a need for **nrx** code changes
* Mapping between NetBox platform values and node parameters via [`platform_map.yaml`](docs/platform_map.md) file
* `$HOME/.nr` configuration directory with automatic initialization using `--init` argument
New capabilities
* Implemented versioning, initialization of the configuration environment with default config & templates in https://github.com/netreplica/nrx/pull/76
* Support for user-provided output formats in https://github.com/netreplica/nrx/pull/72
* Use `platform_map.yml` from the templates to map platforms to kinds and their parameters in https://github.com/netreplica/nrx/pull/79
* Use `platform_map.yaml` for all types of templates in https://github.com/netreplica/nrx/pull/86
* Added support for ENV vars in filesystem path parameters in `nrx.conf` in https://github.com/netreplica/nrx/pull/89
* Topology name as `--name` parameter in https://github.com/netreplica/nrx/pull/94
Bug fixes
* fixed test-h88-nb-2-cyjs-latest-noconfigs in https://github.com/netreplica/nrx/pull/98
* Fix for `cyjs` output to skip lookup in `templates/formats.yaml` in https://github.com/netreplica/nrx/pull/78
Dependency updates
* Update dependency pynetbox to v7.2.0 by renovate in https://github.com/netreplica/nrx/pull/69
* Update dependency networkx to v3.2.1 by renovate in https://github.com/netreplica/nrx/pull/83
* Update actions/checkout action to v4 by renovate in https://github.com/netreplica/nrx/pull/71
* Update dependency urllib3 to v2.1.0 by renovate in https://github.com/netreplica/nrx/pull/74
* Update dependency charset-normalizer to v3.3.2 by renovate in https://github.com/netreplica/nrx/pull/81
* Update dependency certifi to v2023.11.17 by renovate in https://github.com/netreplica/nrx/pull/85
* Update dependency idna to v3.6 by renovate in https://github.com/netreplica/nrx/pull/87
* Update actions/setup-python action to v5 by renovate in https://github.com/netreplica/nrx/pull/95
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/netreplica/nrx/compare/v0.3.0...v0.4.0