- First release candidate
- functions `to_json`, `read_json` and `as_def_type` available
- specific methods available in the class `DataFrameConnec` and `SeriesConnec`
- correspondance between `NTVtype` and `dtype` in `ntv_pandas.ini`
- dtype supported:
- timedelta64[ns], datetime64[ns]
- string
- Floatxx, UIntxx, Intxx, boolean
- categorical
- NTVtype supported:
- duration, period
- datetime, date, time, dat
- month, year, day, wday, yday, week, hour, minute, second
- json, string, number, boolean, array, object, null
- floatxx, uintxx, intxx
- uri, email, file
- point, line, polygon, geometry, geojson
- multipoint, multiline, multipolygon, box, codeolc
- row, field, tab, ntv