- f0b5264: added Napoleon Sphinx extension for processing Google-style docstrings (David Doty) [198](
- 8b3fbf6: added field `SearchParameters.target_score` (David Doty) [198](
- 91a9ba7: partly addressed 191 for RNAduplex strand pairs; still need to add for other `StrandPairsConstriant`'s (David Doty) [198](
- f7cbd04: fixed None access bug (David Doty) [198](
- d550388: Update (David Doty) [198](
- 16a81c7: fixed subscripting bug where ForbiddenSubstringConstraint.substrings is specified as a set (David Doty) [200](
- ab38ee7: closes 191: pre-packaged strand pair constraints should allow threshold to depend on number of complementary domains (David Doty) [198](
- 6a965fd: Merge branch 'dev' into 191-pre-packaged-strand-pair-constraints-should-allow-threshold-to-depend-on-number-of-complementary-domains (David Doty) [198](
- d2bc378: added typing_extensions to requirements.txt (David Doty) [198](
- c579189: fixed Protocol import to try typing first, then typing_extensions if an ImportError (David Doty) [198](
- e22fddd: Update (David Doty) [198](
- d183406: Merge branch 'dev' into 197-store-domainpoolpossible_sequences-as-a-single-longer-sequence-and-substring-length (David Doty) [199](
- 1ff68d1: formatting (David Doty) [199](
- 128d161: closes 197: introduce SubstringSampler class to store DomainPool.possible_sequences as a single longer sequence and substring length (David Doty) [199](
- 92fd2a6: fixed bug with storing modifications for strands that crashed on using restart search option (David Doty) [199](
- 90ad762: added `except_overlapping_indices` parameter to `SubstringSampler` constructor (David Doty) [199](
- 8c3e38f: Update (David Doty) [199](
- 99f5ff9: bumped version (David Doty) [200](