pbrod (21):
* Updated README.rst and CHANGES.rst.
* updated Limits.
* Made it possible to differentiate complex functions and allow zero'th order derivative.
* BUG: added missing derivative order, n to Gradient, Hessian, Jacobian.
* Made test more robust.
* Updated structure in setup according to pyscaffold version 2.4.2.
* Updated setup.cfg and deleted duplicate tests folder.
* removed unused code.
* Added appveyor.yml.
* Added required appveyor install scripts
* Fixed bug in appveyor.yml.
* added wheel to requirements.txt.
* updated appveyor.yml.
* Removed import matplotlib.
Justin Lecher (1):
* Fix min version for numpy.
kikocorreoso (1):
* fix some prints on run_benchmark.py to make it work with py3