- added numerapi command line interface - allow passing public ID and secret key via environment variables
- added `stakeResolution` information to get_leaderboard - added badge for read the docs to README
- publish README as long_description on pypi - fixed `get_transactions` after API change on Numerai's side - added proper docstrings to all public methods, using Google Style as described at http://sphinxcontrib-napoleon.readthedocs.io/en/latest/example_google.html - added examples for all public methods - added documentation on readthedocs: http://numerapi.readthedocs.io
- add tournamentId to `get_stakes` - fixed `stake` after API change on Numerai's side
- support tournament parameter for various endpoints. Numer.ai is planning to run more than one tournament at a time. This change makes numerapi ready for that. - minor code cleanup
- don't query Numerai's API if the action requires an auth token, but there is none provided - more & improved tests (test coverage now > 90%) - consistency threshold moved to 58, following the latest rule change