What's Changed * Feature/era col from dates by CarloLepelaars in https://github.com/crowdcent/numerblox/pull/155 * Support for different neutralized corr cols by CarloLepelaars in https://github.com/crowdcent/numerblox/pull/156
What's Changed * Fit method with additional arguments for Signals objects by CarloLepelaars in https://github.com/crowdcent/numerblox/pull/153 * Use official numerai-tools contribution score by CarloLepelaars in https://github.com/crowdcent/numerblox/pull/154
What's Changed * Get era range and date range by CarloLepelaars in https://github.com/crowdcent/numerblox/pull/151 * Feature/ticker filter by CarloLepelaars in https://github.com/crowdcent/numerblox/pull/152