
Latest version: v0.17.0

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New documentation page with galleries of tutorials and examples [](

New Features

- New primitive: [prng_key]( to draw a random key under `seed` handler.
- New autoguide: [AutoDelta](
- New samplers:
- [HMCGibbs]( a general HMC/NUTS-within-Gibbs interface.
- [DiscreteHMCGibbs]( HMC/NUTS-within-Gibbs for models with discrete latent variables.
- [HMCECS]( HMC/NUTS with energy conserving subsampling.
- New example:
- [CJS capture-recapture model for ecological data](
- New kernels module in `numpyro.contrib.einstein`, in preparing for (Ein)Stein VI inference in future releases.
- New user-friendly []( method to simplify the training phase of SVI inference.
- New [feasible_like]( method in constraints.
- New methods `forward_shape` and `inverse_shape` in [Transform]( to infer output shape given input shape.
- [Transform.inv]( now returns an inversed transform, hence enables many new (inversed) transforms.
- Support [thinning]( in MCMC.
- Add [post_warmup_state]( and [last_state]( to allow sequential sampling strategy in MCMC: allow to keep calling `.run` method to get more samples.
- New `history` argument to support for Markov models with `history > 1` in [scan](
- New [forward_model_differentiation]( argument in HMC/NUTS kernels to allow to use forward mode differentiation.

Enhancements and Bug Fixes

- 886 Make TransformReparam compatible with `.to_event()`
- 883 Improve gradient computation of Euclidean kinetic energy.
- 872 Enhance masked distribution to allow gradient propagate properly when using `mask` handler for invalid data.
- 865 Make subsample faster in CPU.
- 860 Fix for memory leak in MCMC.
- 849 Expose `logits` attribute to some discrete distributions
- 848 Add `has_rsample` and `rsample` attribute to distributions
- 832 Allow a callable to return an init value in `param` primitive
- 824 Fix for cannot using sample method of TFP distributions in `sample` primitive.
- 823 Demo on how to use various init strategies in Gaussian Process example.
- 822 Allow haiku/flax modules to take general args/kwargs in `init`.
- 821 Better error messages when `rng_key` is missing.
- 818 Better error messages when an error happens in the middle of inference.
- 805 Display correct progress bar message after running `MCMC.warmup`.
- 801 Raise an error early if missing plates for models with discrete latent variables.
- 797 MCMC `vectorized` chain method works for models with deterministic sites.
- 796 Bernoulli distribution returns an int instead of a boolean.
- 795 Reveal signature for `help(Distribution)`.

Thanks Ola Ronning OlaRonning, Armin Stepanjan ab-10, cerbelaut, Xi Wang xidulu, Wouter van Amsterdam vanAmsterdam, loopylangur, and many others for your contributions and helpful feedback!


New Features

- 772 Add [DirichletMultinomial]( distribution.
- 773 (experiment) Add [collapse]( handler to exploit conjugacy relations.

Enhancements and Bug Fixes

- 764 Make exception chaining more user-friendly. Thanks, akihironitta!
- 766 Relax [interval]( constraint.
- 776 Fix bugs in methods `log_prob` and `sample` of `VonMises` distribution.
- 775 Make validation mechanism compatible with [omnistaging]( since JAX 0.2.
- 780 Fix name dimensions of sample sites under `contrib.funsor`'s `plate` handler.


Experimental integrations with JAX-based [TensorFlow Probability]( and neural network libraries [Flax]( and [Haiku]( New high-quality tutorials written by NumPyro contributors. JAX 0.2 enables "omnistaging" by default (see [this guide]( for what omnistaging means and how to update your code if it is broken after the upgrade - you can also disable this new behavior with `jax.config.disable_omnistaging()`).

New Features

- New primitives in `numpyro.contrib.module` to create Bayesian Neural Networks (BNN) using [Flax]( or [Haiku]( [flax_module](, [random_flax_module](, [haiku_module](, [random_haiku_module]( See [random_flax_module]( doc for an end-to-end example to construct, train, and make prediction with a BNN.
- Wrappers for many [TensorFlow Probability distributions]( in `numpyro.contrib.tfp.distributions`.
- Wrappers for many [TensorFlow MCMC kernels]( in `numpyro.contrib.tfp.mcmc`. A user-defined TensorFlow MCMC kernel can be converted to NumPyro-compatible one using [TFPKernel](
- New distribution: [Geometric]( distribution.
- New primitive: [subsample]( primitive for data/param subsampling.
- New auto guide: [AutoNormal]( which is similar to `AutoDiagonalNormal` but more suitable for mean field ELBO and param subsampling.
- New SVI objective: [TraceMeanField_ELBO](
- New optimizer: [Minimize]( with BFGS method.

New Examples

- [Bayesian Imputation for Missing Values in Discrete Covariates]( tutorial: leverage enumeration mechanism to marginalize discrete missing covariates - applied for clinical synthesis data.
- [Bayesian Hierarchical Linear Regression]( tutorial: practical Bayesian inference for Kaggle competitions.
- [Ordinal Regression]( tutorial: how to deal with ordered discrete data.


Changes to match Pyro api.

- `ELBO` objective is renamed to `Trace_ELBO`.
- `value` argument in `Delta` distribution is replaced by `v`.
- `init_strategy` argument in autoguides is replaced by `init_loc_fn`.

Enhancements and Bug Fixes

- Relax `simplex` constraint. 725 737
- Fix `init_strategy` argument not respected in HMC and SA kernels. 728
- Validate the model when cannot find valid initial params. 733
- Avoid `nan` acceptance probability in SA kernel. 740

Thanks xidulu, vanAmsterdam, TuanNguyen27, ucals, elchorro, RaulPL, and many others for your contributions and helpful feedback!


Breaking Changes

- HMC's [find_heuristic_step_size]( (this functionality is different from step size adaptation scheme) is disabled by default to improve compiling time. Previous behavior can be enabled by setting `find_heuristic_step_size=True`.
- The automatic reparameterization mechanism introduced in NumPyro 0.2 is removed, in favor of `reparam` handler. See [the eight schools example]( for the new usage pattern.
- [Automatic Guide Generation]( module is moved from `numpyro.contrib.autoguide` to the main inference module `numpyro.infer.autoguide`.
- Various API changes to match Pyro API:
+ [mask]( handler: `mask_array` arg is renamed to `mask`.
+ [scale]( handler: `scale_factor` arg is renamed to `scale`.
+ [condition]( and [substitute]( handlers: `param_map` is renamed to `data`.
+ `MultivariateAffineTransform` transform is renamed to [LowerCholeskyAffine](
+ `init_to_prior` strategy is renamed to [init_to_sample](

New Features

- [Funsor-based NumPyro]( allow enumeration over discrete latent variables. See mixture and Markov examples below for some applications.
- New primitives: [plate_stack]( and [scan]( If your model has Python `for` loop, considering using `scan` instead to improve compiling time.
- New handlers: [reparam](, [scope](, and [lift](
- New distributions: [von Mises](, [Gumbel](, [Logistic](, [Laplace](, [TruncatedPolyaGamma](, [ExpandedDistribution](, [MaskedDistribution](, and [ImproperUniform](
- [Distribution]( has new properties `is_discrete`, `has_enumerate_support`, and new methods [shape](, [enumerate_support](, [expand](, [expand_by](, [mask]( In addition, `Distribution` has been registered as [a JAX Pytree]( class, with corresponding methods `tree_flatten` and `tree_unflatten`.
- New constraint: [less_than](
- Port [Tensor Indexing]( from Pyro.
- Port some [Reparameterizers]( from Pyro.
- Add `batch_ndims` arg to [Predictive]( and [log_likelihood]( to allow using those utilities with arbitrary number of batch dimensions.

New Examples

- [Proportion Test example]( You are managing a business and want to test if calling your customers will increase their chance of making a purchase.
- [Bayesian Models of Annotation examples]( illustrates enumeration for mixture models.
- [Enumerate HMM examples]( illustrates enumeration for markov models.
- [Bayesian Imputation tutorial](

Enhancements and Bug Fixes

- HMC/NUTS compiling time is greatly improved, especially for large models.
- More efficient BTRS algorithm for sampling from Binomial distribution. 537
- Allow arbitrary order of `plate` statements. 555
- Fix KeyError with `scale` handler and `deterministic` primitive. 577
- Fix Poisson sampler entering into infinite loop under vmap. 582
- Fix the double compilation issue in `numpyro.optim` classes. 603
- Use ExpandedDistribution in `numpyro.plate`. 616
- [Timeseries forecasting tutorial]( is updated with `scan` primitive and the usage of `Predictive` for forecasting. #608 657
- Tweak sparse regression example to bring the model into exact alignment with the reference. 669
- Add MetropolisHastings algorithm as an example of [MCMCKernel]( 680

Thanks Nikolaos daydreamt, Daniel Sheldon dsheldon, Lukas Prediger lumip, Freddy Boulton freddyaboulton, Wouter van Amsterdam vanAmsterdam, and many others for their contributions and helpful feedback!


New Features

- NumPyro can be used on Cloud TPUs.
- [Deterministic]( primitive to record deterministic values in a model.
- [Mask]( handler to mask out the log probability of a sample site using a mask array.
- [Sample Adaptive MCMC](, a non-gradient based sampler that has a high effective sample size per second.
- New normalizing flow: [Block neural autoregressive transform](
- Additional auto guides: [AutoLowRankMultivariateNormal]( and [AutoBNAFNormal](

New Examples

- [Predator-prey model example]( uses MCMC to solve the inverse problem of an ODE system.
- [Neural transport example]( uses a normalizing flow to transform the posterior to a Gaussian-like one, thereby improving mixing rate for HMC/NUTS.

Deprecation / Breaking Changes

- Predictive's [get_samples]( method is deprecated in favor of `__call__` method.
- MCMC `constrain_fn` is renamed to `postprocess_fn`.

Enhancements and Bug Fixes

- Change the init scale of Auto\*Normal guides from 1. to 0.1 - this is helpful for stability during the early training phase.
- Resolve overflow issue with the Poisson sampler.


Patches `0.2.2` with the following changes:
- restore compatibility with python 3.7 for `mcmc`.
- impose cache size limit in MCMC utilities.

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