* SWIG optimizations.
* Script to deploy linux wheel to S3 on release.
* Publishing select artifacts to pypi on release.
* Changed dev version pattern to match what python wants.
* Cleaned up setup and manifest for proper sdists.
* Faking extensions to get platform-specific wheels.
* Added core capnp files to bindings.
* GCE now encodes altitude using a 3D coordinate system.
* Distributing `*.i` files from `nupic.bindings` in binary packages.
* Updates test entry points to pure python. README instructions for running tests were updated.
* Missing configuration files are no longer ignored. A runtime exception is raised immediately when an expected configuration file is not found.
* Updated deployment logic to account for both deployment scenarios (iterative and release).
* Configured pypi deployment on all branches with tags.
* Added pypi deployment configuration for binary releases.
* Parsing python requirements in setuptools so they are included within published packages (working toward releases).
* Setting up python wheels packaging and upload to S3 for future distribution.
* Implemented logic for reusing segments, to enforce a fixed-size connectivity (nupic.core).
Release Process
1. Send announcement that a release is underway to the committer's lounge on
discourse.numenta.org and ask reviewers not to merge PRs in NuPIC until you're
done with the release.
2. Create a PR that includes:
- Release notes added to CHANGELOG.md
- Change to the VERSION file so it matches the intended release version
3. Wait for the PR to be approved and merged, and the Bamboo build to complete
4. Create a "release" in Bamboo with a version matching the intended release
5. Deploy the release in Bamboo. This will:
- Validate that the Bamboo release number matches the wheel version
- Push the wheel to PyPI
6. Create a new Github "Release" at https://github.com/numenta/nupic/releases/new
- Along with the creation of the release, there is an option to create a git tag with the release. Name it "X.Y.Z" and point it to the commit SHA for the merged PR described in 2 above.
- Release title should be "X.Y.Z"
- Release description should be the latest changelog
7. Send announcement to the committer's lounge on discourse.numenta.org that the release is complete.