* Adds objects that are allowed in all base classes to the NXobject class (NIAC approved inheritance of base class objects from the NXobject class)
* Removes inheritance from the NXroot class to prevent unwanted objects at the file level
* Adds support for partial names, i.e., those that use uppercase characters as placeholders for the actual name
* Checks that axis sizes match the signal shape
* Inputs tables of symbols and checks for common values within each group
* Adds contributed definitions to the repository and searches them when base classes and/or application definitions are not found
* Prints the total number of warnings and errors at the end of the validation
* Colorizes the output to print error messages in red and warning messages in orange
* Customizes the width of printed lines to the terminal size
* Prevents exceptions when an externally linked files are not present
* Fixes handling of groups that have explicit names in the base classes