
Latest version: v5.14.1

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Released December 17, 2015:

- Deprecate tags and tag-related functions.
- Return message object when sending a draft
- Support passing parameters and request bodies on delete



Released October 8, 2015:

- Add client.account property



Released September 22, 2015:

- Add handling for 405 responses
- Surface SMTP server errors
- Expose Message attributes: events, snippet
- Expose Folder and Label attributes: object, account_id
- Expose Thread attribute: received_recent_date
- Expose Draft attributes: reply_to_message_id, reply_to, starred, snippet
- Expose File attributes: content_id, message_ids
- Expose "object" attribute on Calendar, Event, and Contact
- Add local token for tests



Released September 17, 2015:

Expose "owner" attribute on Events
Clean up raw message data



Released August 28, 2015:

Don't first save draft objects when a direct send is possible.
Remove deprecated namespaces support from SDK
Account management fixes and upgrade/downgrade changes
Added tests


Drafts can now be sent without an implicit intermediate save to the mail provider.

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