------ * Add support for `/token-info` endpoint, which allows you to query the available scopes and validity of a given access token for an account. * Add message.from_ alias * Bugfix: contact.email_addresses renamed to contact.emails
------ * Add support for `/ip_addresses` endpoint.
------ * You can now pass a list of `scopes` when calling `APIClient.authentication_url()` in order to enable [selective sync](https://docs.nylas.com/docs/how-to-use-selective-sync). Previously, we only set `scope=email` by default; now, the default is to use all scopes. * Add X-Nylas-Client-Id header for HTTP requests
------ * Add support for `revoke-all` endpoint.
------ * Raise `UnsyncedError` when a message isn't ready to be retrieved yet (HTTP 202) when fetching a raw message.