- Improve Oauth2ApiClient token refresh and method responses - Create separate PostgreSQLClient and PostgreSQLPoolClient classes - Update PostgreSQL and MySQL clients to accept write queries implicitly - Update RedshiftClient to ensure SSL is being used - Separate dependencies to slim down package installation
- Added Oauth2ApiClient for oauth2 authenticated calls to our Platform API and Sierra - Set PostgreSQL connection pool to have a default pool size minimum of 0
- Support write queries to PostgreSQL and MySQL databases - Support different return formats when querying PostgreSQL, MySQL, and Redshift databases
- In PostgreSQLClient, allow reconnecting after `close_connection` has been called - Updated README with deployment information
- Added GitHub Actions workflow for deploying to production - Switched PostgreSQLClient to use connection pooling
- Added CODEOWNERS - Added GitHub Actions workflows for running tests and deploying to QA - Added tests for helper functions - Updated Avro encoder to avoid dependency on pandas