
Latest version: v0.8.0

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- New LabbcatEdit function
+ *saveParticipant* - add or update a participant record
- New LabbcatView function
+ *versionInfo* - gets version information of all components of LaBB-CAT
- Changed LabbcatView function
+ *getTranscriptAttributes* - now accepts a query expression for identifying transcripts, and an optional CSV file name to use
- New labbcat functions for generating query expressions...
+ *expressionFromAttributeValue* - ... from a single-value transcript/participant attribute name and possible values
+ *expressionFromAttributeValues* - ... from a multi-value transcript/participant attribute name and possible values
+ *expressionFromIds* - ... from a list of transcript/participant IDs
+ *expressionFromTranscriptTypes* - ... from a list of transcript types
+ *expressionFromCorpora* - ... from a list of corpora


- Changed LabbcatView functions
+ *countAnnotations* - new maxOrdinal parameter
+ *getAnnotations* - new maxOrdinal parameter
+ *updateTranscript* - new suppressGeneration parameter


- New LabbcatView function
+ *formatTranscript* - export a transcript in a given format


- New LabbcatView functions
+ *getDictionaries* - list the dictionaries available.
+ *getDictionaryEntries* - lookup entries in a dictionary.
- New LabbcatEdit functions
+ *getAnnotatorDescriptor* - gets annotator information.
+ *annotatorExt* - retrieve annotator's "ext" web-app resource.
+ *addLayerDictionaryEntry* - adds an entry to a layer dictionary.
+ *removeLayerDictionaryEntry* - removes an entry from a layer dictionary.
+ *addDictionaryEntry* - adds an entry to a dictionary.
+ *removeDictionaryEntry* - removes an entry from a dictionary.
- New LabbcatAdmin functions
+ *loadLexicon* - upload a flat lexicon file for lexical tagging.
+ *deleteLexicon* - delete a previously loaded lexicon.


- Changed LabbcatView function
+ *getMedia* - now downloads the media to a file instead of just returning the URL
- New LabbcatView functions
+ *getMediaUrl* - returns the URL of the given media, as *getMedia* used to do.
+ *getFragmentsAsync* - does what *getFragments* does, but asychronously by starting a task.
+ *taskResults* - downloads the results file(s) of a given task.


- New LabbcatAdmin function
+ *generateLayer*
- New LabbcatEdit functions
+ *generateLayerUtterances*
+ *updateFragment*
- New parameters for LabbcatAdmin.newLayer, to support creation of automated annotation layers:
+ *annotatorId*
+ *annotatorTaskParameters*
- New parameter for LabbcatView.getFragments and LabbcatView.getSoundFragments:
+ *prefixNames* - to prefix (or not) file names with serial

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