* [117](https://github.com/OasisLMF/ktools/issues/117) - Reduced gulcalc memory use for gul alloc rule 1 * [127](https://github.com/OasisLMF/ktools/issues/127) - Introduce support for full correlation output for gul alloc rule 0
--------- * [124](https://github.com/OasisLMF/ktools/issues/124) - Update CMake build files * [103](https://github.com/OasisLMF/ktools/issues/103) - Fixed issue with leccalc and the periods file * [120](https://github.com/OasisLMF/ktools/issues/120) - Add calcrule for ded % loss and normal limit
--------- * 121 - Move footprint file open/close to outside of event loop
--------- * 111 - Add maximum intensity bin checks to validatevulnerability * 115 - Fix integer overflow issue with file validation * 116 - Fix full uncertainty and Wheatsheaf with period weighting calculations in leccalc
--------- * 105 - Update readme build instructions for OS X * 106 - Fix weighted standard deviation in aalcalc * 109 - Fix gulcalc loss stream header for alloc rule 0
--------- * Added support for ded and min ded only https://github.com/OasisLMF/OasisPlatform/issues/296 https://github.com/OasisLMF/OasisLMF/issues/480 * 23 - Weighted periods documentation * 99 - Occurrence file format * 101 - Remove exposure value from aalcalc output