* Added support for the
[Google Application Default Credentials](https://developers.google.com/accounts/docs/application-default-credentials)
for more information (thanks orestica).
* Added support for OAuth2 for devices (3, thanks sde-melo).
* The minimum required Python version is now 2.6.
* The `anyjson` submodule has been removed.
* Better exception handling around missing crypto libraries (56).
* Improve error messages in `AccessTokenRefreshError` (53, thanks
* Drop `uritemplate` as a dependency.
* Handle X509 certs with PyCrypto (51, thanks liujin-google).
* Handle additional failure types on OSX (32, thanks simoncadman).
* Better unicode handling with PKCS12 passwords (31, thanks jterrace).
* Better retry handling with bad server replies on refresh (29, thanks
* Better logging for missing `refresh_token` in server replies (21).
* Support `login_hint` (18, thanks jay0lee).
* Better overwrite options in `django_orm.Storage`. (2, thanks lraccomando).