Changes - new DateTime field - new Enum field - migrate CI to github - update docs, testing, and coverage jobs - add publish action for pip package
test automated release
This is the first stable release of **objectfactory**
Associated with PR 5
Changes include: - integrate marshmallow serialization framework - support typed fields - implement nested factory field for marshmallow - allow custom marshmallow schema - expose static factory methods directly - support type enforcement and hinting in factory `create` method - support required fields - add `from_kwargs` constructor to free up `__init__` - create proper abstract base classes - refactor and expand test suite - setup documentation with sphinx and read the docs - update travis build for new platform - improve documentation - various bug fixes
associated with PR 3 - allow setting class type for serializable `Nested` field - allow setting class type for nested serializable `List` - will automatically use this class if `_type` is not specified in dictionary - will throw error if conflicting `_type` is provided