
Latest version: v1.4.1

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- obspy.core:
* Fix wrong values in Stats object after deepcopy or pickle of Stats object
for edge cases (see 2601)
- obspy.clients.fdsn:
* EIDA routing client: fix an issue that leaded to a request of *all* EIDA
data when requesting an invalid, out-of-epochs time window for a valid
station (see 2611)
* update RASPISHAKE URL mapping to use https
* fix a bug of not handling HTTPException in mass_downloader (see 2606)
* use the client's set timeout in service discovery, too (see 2656)
* add URL mapping for FDSNWS at UIB-NORSAR (see 2659)
- obspy.clients.filesystem:
* sds: continue get_all_stations() even if encountering an invalid channel
code (see 2636)
- obspy.clients.neic:
* Make client socket blocking (see 2617)
- obspy.io.hypodd:
* Allow 60.0 seconds in the second field of origin times, allow NaN in
the magnitude field for pha format (see 2627)
- obspy.io.nordic:
* Fixed a bug raising an exception when reading a nordic file with a non
positive-definite covariance matrix (see 2593)
- obspy.io.seiscomp:
* Fixed an issue where a response has zero zeros or poles (see 2633)



- fix an installation issue with pip and setuptools version 46 (see 2578)
- fix response plots when providing `axes=...` with a numpy array of Axes
instances (see 2579)





Work on this release was in parts and among others supported by the following
institutions/companies and grants (in alphabetical order):
- Earthquake Commision of New Zealand (EQC), grant 18/753
- École et Observatoire des Sciences de la Terre - Université de Strasbourg
- ETH Zürich
- Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
- Geoscience Australia
- Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology (IRIS), NSF (SAGE) award
:: EAR-1851048
- Institut de Physique du Globe de Strasbourg
- Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris
- Institutions for Seismology (IRIS) through the PASSCAL Instrument Center at
New Mexico Tech. The facilities of the IRIS Consortium are supported by the
National Science Foundation under Cooperative Agreement EAR-1261681 and the
DOE National Nuclear Security Administration.
- Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Osservatorio Etneo (Italy),
Allegato B2 DPC-INGV 2012-2021 Task 10
- Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
- National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
- Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI)
- School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences, Victoria University of
- The European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under
the ChEESE project, grant agreement No. 823844
- The Royal Observatory of Belgium
- U.S. Geological Survey

- obspy.core:
* Inventory objects have been adapted to StationXML 1.1 for details on
changes see 2510 and
* Fixed import of custom plugins (see 2423)
* Fixed "==" comparison for Stream and Trace which was very slow in case of
traces with >1e6 samples (see 2377)
* Added almost_equal method for Stream and Trace classes (see 2286).
* Casting FDSN identifiers to strings upon setting in the stats dictionary
(see 1997).
* UTCDateTime objects will now always evaluate equal if their string
representations are equal (see 2049).
* UTCDateTime objects now issue depreciation warnings when setting any
attributes outside of init, or comparing UTCDateTime objects with
different precisions (see 2077).
* UTCDateTime objects can now accept hour, minute, second, and microsecond
values greater than their normal limits by setting the strict keyword
argument to False (see 2232).
* Fixed UTCDateTime(..., julday=366) for non-leap years. This was returning
January 1st of the next year in case of non-leap years being used. Now it
properly raises an out-of-bounds ValueError (see 2369)
* When reading StationXML/SC3ML, make sure to properly read empty string
fields as empty strings instead of "None" (see 2519 and 2527)
* Better ISO8601 detection for UTCDateTime objects and UTCDateTime(...,
iso8601=False) now completely disables ISO8601 handling (see 2447)
* Added replace method to UTCDateTime class (see 2077).
* Added remove method to Inventory class (see 2088).
* Added id property to WaveformStreamID (see 2131).
* Added __str__ and _repr_pretty_ method for Comment class (see 2115)
* Added __eq__ to QuantityError so empty instances equal None (see 2185).
* Reworked the event scoped resource identifiers for the event classes
hopefully fixing all edge-cases (see 2091).
* Added a hook to allow users to customize finding objects for
resource_ids which are not found via the normal means (see 2279).
* Calling Stream.write(...) on an empty stream will now raise an
ObsPyException consistently across all I/O plugins (see 2201)
* Stream.get_gaps() will now properly report gaps within Traces that
have masked arrays (i.e. Traces that have been merged without a fill
value, see 2299 and 2300).
* Added copy method to Inventory class (see 2322).
* The Response.recalculate_overall_sensitivity() method now accepts integers
(see 2338, 2343).
* Added wildcard and url support to read_inventory (see 2326).
* Modified stream.get_gaps() to deal with overlaps correctly (see 1403)
* Added option "label_epoch_dates" to Inventory/Network.plot_response() to
optionally add channel epoch start/end dates to legend labels (see 2309)
* Deprecated the convert_id_to_quakeml_uri, regenerate_uuid, and
get_quakeml_uri methods of the ResourceIdentifier class (see 2303).
* Added get_quakeml_uri_str and get_quakeml_id methods to the
ResourceIdentifier class (see 2303).
* New method to create response objects directly from poles and zeros (see
* Added Stream.stack method (see 2440).
* Added a component field to the Stats object which allows to get and set
the last character of the SEED channel (see 2484).
* Fixed a bug in Stream.plot(type='section', reftime=..., ...) that caused
wrong relative start times of traces relative to given reftime (see 2493)
* Fixed a Windows-specific path case issue in a helper function that returns
a list of untracked files in the git repository (see 2296)
* Fix a bug that was causing an exception being raised in `Response.plot()`
because a float was being passed down to numpy.linspace as length of array
(see 2533)
* Geographic select of inventory/network/station (see 2515)
* Select traces in Stream based on an Inventory (see 2531)
- obspy.clients.fdsn:
* Add new `_discover_services` boolean flag to the Client, which allows the
Client to skip the initial services query at instantiation. This can
reduce the load on service providers, but skips checks against unsupported
query parameters.
* Adding more location codes to the default priority list in the mass
downloader (see 2155, 2159).
* The mass downloader now raises a warning if all channels from a station
have been deselected due to the default location priorities setting. This
is a pure usability improvement as it has been confusing users
(see 2159).
* Make sure that streams fetched via FDSN are properly trimmed to user
requested times if data center serves additional data around the start/end
(see 1887, 2298)
* Fix a problem that could spam subprocesses that were not closed in routed
clients (see 2342 and 2344)
* Make it possible to use signed EIDA tokens and also skip token validation
completely (see 2297)
* Adding a mapping for RASPISHAKE
- obspy.clients.filesystem.tsindex:
* Add new Client & Indexer modules based on IRIS time series index (see
- obspy.clients.iris:
* Results of distaz method are now returned as native floats (see 2499)
- obspy.clients.neic:
* Properly use specified timeout value (see 2450)
- obspy.clients.seedlink:
* Add method "get_info()" to fetch information on what
networks/stations/locations/channels are served by the seedlink server
(see 2405)
* "get_waveforms()" can now be used with '*' and '?' wildcards in any part
of requested SEED ID, i.e. network, station, location and channel (see
- obspy.clients.seishub:
* Properly handle fetching poles and zeros in presence of multiple metadata
files for a given station (see 2411)
- obspy.geodetics:
* New utility function `inside_geobounds()` to check whether an object is
inside a geographic bound (see 2515)
- obspy.imaging:
* obspy-scan can now be used with wildcarded SEED IDs when specifying what
to plot after scanning data (see 2227)
* Fix a problem in Scanner when loading npz on Python3 that was written on
Python2 (see 2413)
* Fix an issue that could make small landmasses not get plotted in basemap
plots (see 2471, 2477)
* Fixed a bug in Stream.plot(type='section', reftime=..., ...) that caused
wrong relative start times of traces relative to given reftime (see 2493)
- obspy.io:
* Added read support for receiver gather format v. 1.6 (see 2070)
* Added read support for FOCMEC 'out' and 'lst' files (see 2156)
* Added read support for HypoDD 'pha' files (see 2378)
- obspy.io.arclink:
* Accommodate change in SeisComP3 publicID delimiter from '' to '/' in
ArclinkXML (see 2552)
- obspy.io.dmx:
* Add read support for INGV's DMX format (see 2452)
- obspy.io.gcf:
* Fixes Python 3.8 compatibility of GCF reader. (see 2505)
- obspy.io.mseed:
* Fix a bug resulting in an infinite loop when trying to read a FullSEED
file without any data records (see 2534 and 2535)
* Add ability to write int64 data to mseed if it can safely be downcast
to int32 data, otherwise raises ObsPyMSEEDError. (see 2356)
* The recordanalyzer can now detect calibration blockettes 300, 310,
and 320 (see 2370).
* Can now write zero sampling-rate traces. (see 2488, 2509)
* Updated to libmseed 2.19.6. (see 2966)
* Fixed byte swapping of data. (see 2966)
- obspy.io.nordic:
* Add ability to read and write focal mechanisms and moment tensor
information. (see 1924)
* Add explicit warnings regarding unsupported sections of Nordic files.
* Fix mapping of magnitude-types between MS to S and Ms to s.
* Output preferred origin when writing to Nordic format instead of using
the first origin (see 2195)
* Include high-accuracy phase-pick reading and writing - high-accuracy is
now the default phase-writing format, a boolean flag `high_accuracy`
has been added to turn this off. (see 2351 and 2348)
* Allow long-phase names (both reading and writing) - longer than 4 char.
(see 2351)
* Include AIN as takeoff-angle when reading and writing nordic files
(see 2404).
* Add error ellipses and read high-accuracy hypocenter lines (see 2451)
* Fix the incorrect handling of events missing pick evaluation information
(see 2520)
- obspy.io.reftek:
* Implement reading reftek encodings '16' and '32' (uncompressed data,
16/32bit integers, see 2058 and 2059)
- obspy.io.rg16:
* Implement module to read waveforms and headers from fcnt format (see 2265).
* Fix reading when start+endtime are inside one data packet (see 2485).
- obspy.io.sac:
* Fix bug writing inventory with SOH channels to SACPZ (see 2200).
* Blank-pad character header variables, as opposed to NUL-padding them, to
comply with SAC behavior (see 2543).
- obspy.io.segy:
* Raise nicer error messages when header packing fails (see 2194, 2196).
* Show nice error message when trying to write a trace with too many samples
in it (see 2358, 1393)
- obspy.io.seg2:
* Handle data format code 3 trace data (2022, 2385).
* Improve parsing of free-form entries (2385).
* Fix non-native endian data loading (2385).
* Regex date/time separator support (2923).
- obspy.io.seiscomp:
* Adding support for SC3ML 0.10 (see 2024).
* Update xsl to allow conversion of amplitude picks not associated with
origins (see 2273).
* Very large performance improvement reading large sc3ml inventory files by
pre-indexing sensors, dataloggers and responses and reducing lxml calls
(see 2296).
* When reading StationXML/SC3ML, make sure to properly read empty string
fields as empty strings instead of "None" (see 2519 and 2527)
- obspy.io.sh:
* Add read support for SeismicHandler EVT event files (see 2109)
- obspy.io.shapefile:
* Add possibility to add custom database columns when writing catalog or
inventory objects to shapefile (see 2012 and 2305)
- obspy.io.stationxml:
* When reading StationXML/SC3ML, make sure to properly read empty string
fields as empty strings instead of "None" (see 2519 and 2527)
* Inventory objects have been adapted to StationXML 1.1 for details on
changes see 2510 and
- obspy.io.quakeml:
* Allow writing invalid ids but raise a warning
(see 2104, 2090, 2093, 1872).
* Skip invalid enumeration values during reading but raise a warning.
(see 2106, 2098, 2095)
* Catalogs with empty event description objects can be round-tripped (see
2339, 2340).
* Correctly handle QuakeML native namespaces (if they are not matching the
document root's namespace) as custom namespaces and parse them into
`.extra` (see 2466)
- obspy.io.xseed:
* Ability to parse SEED files with extra newlines between blockettes
(see 2383)
- obspy.signal.cross_correlation:
* Add new `correlate_template()` function with 'full' normalization option,
required for correlations in template-matching
(see 2035 and 2042).
* 'domain' parameter in correlate function is deprecated in favour of new
'method' parameter to be consistent with recent SciPy versions
(see 2042).
* Add `correlate_stream_template()` and `correlation_detector()`
functions to detect events based on template matching (see 2315)
- obspy.signal.PPSD:
* Changed numpy-based serialization as to not require pickling (see 2424).
* Fixed exact trace cutting for PSD segments (see 2040).
* Timestamp representations internally and in npz I/O were changed to use
integer nanosecond POSIX timestamps to avoid any potential floating point
inaccuracies and since this is also what UTCDateTime is based on nowadays
(see 2045).
* Fixed the check for new PSD slices whether they should be added or whether
they would add unwanted duplicated data (see 2229).
* Fix `period_lim` option when `xaxis_frequency=True` (see 2246).
* Added `allow_pickle` parameter to `PPSD.add_npz` and `PPSD.load_npz` and
set its default to `False` (see 2457).
* Added representation of earthquake models from Clinton & Heaton (2002) in
'plot()' method using option 'show_earthquakes' (see 2455).
- obspy.signal.polarization:
* Fix an issue with covariance matrix in vidale algorithm and make adaptive
windowing opt-out (see 2565)
* Fix an issue in selecting Z/N/E traces from given stream (see 2365)
- obspy.signal.trigger:
* Fix a bug in AR picker (see 2157)
* Option to return Baer-Kradolfer characteristic function from pk_mbaer
function added (see 2341)
- obspy.taup:
* Fix cycling through colors in ray path plots (see 2470, 2478)
* Fix a floating point issue on IBM machines (see 2559, 2560)


- General:
* Tests pass with numpy 1.14 (see 2044).
* Map plots now also work with matplotlib >= 2.2 (see 2089).
- obspy.core:
* UTCDateTime now raises a meaningful exceptions when passing invalid or
out-of-bounds 'julday' during initialization (see 1988)
* Fix pickling of traces with a sampling rate of 0 (see 1990)
* read_inventory() used with non-existing file path (e.g. typo in filename)
now shows a proper "No such file or directory" error message (see 2062)
* Fix Trace.times(type='matplotlib') being slow (see 2112)
* read_events() and read_inventory() now trial most common plugins first
(QuakeML/StationXML, ...) in case of automatic file format detection (i.e.
when file type was not explicitly specified, see 2113)
* Event instances with Origin instances that have do not have defined
latitude/longitude attributes will no longer raise a TypeError when
creating a string representation (see 2119 and 2127).
* Fix Stream.get_gaps() when a trace is completely overlapping another trace
(see 2218).
* Fix Exception when comparing ComparingObjects (see 2220).
* Fix UTCDateTime.strftime() when year is <1900 on Python 2 (see 2167)
* Inventory objects are more convenient to create now. Network, station, and
channel codes can now be optional. Additionally the source parameter of
inventories must no longer be specified at init time (see 2307, 2314).
- obspy.clients.arclink:
* Raise a warning at import time that the ArcLink protocol will be
deprecated soon (see 1987).
- obspy.clients.fdsn:
* Mass downloader: Priority lists are now correctly overwritten if `channel`
and/or `location` are set (see 1810, 2031, 2047).
* A few fixes and stability improvements for the mass downloader (see
* Fixed routing startup error when running under certain locales (see 2147)
* Update the IPGP mapping (see 2268).
* Adding a mapping for the KNMI (see 2270) services.
- obspy.clients.nrl:
* Set input units of overall sensitivity to input units of first stage in
NRL.get_response() (see 2248)
- obspy.geodetics:
* Fix the vincenty inverse calculation for equatorial lines (see 2282).
- obspy.imaging:
* Normalize moment tensors prior to plotting in the mopad wrapper to
stabilize the algorithm (see 2114, 2125).
* fix some map plotting issues with cartopy and local projection (see 2193,
- obspy.io.ascii:
* Fixes an issue with the time representation (see 2165, 2179).
- obspy.io.cnv:
* Bugfix when phase_mapping is passed as argument when writing a Catalog
object to CNV (see 2001)
- obspy.io.css:
* Fix automatic filetype detection (see 2160 and 2162)
- obspy.io.gcf:
* Fix reading stream ID for station/channel code in header (see 2289,
* Fix bitmask in getting compression code (see 2290, 2310)
- obspy.io.mseed:
* Ability to read files that have embedded chunks of non SEED data. (see
1981, 2057).
* Fix util.get_start_and_end_time returning sample rate = 0 when sample rate
= 1 (see 2069)
* Avoid showing invalid warnings when guessing endian during parsing
timestamps (see 1988)
* util.get_record_information() now works correctly for negative sampling
rate factors and multipliers (see 2030, 2191).
- obspy.io.nordic
* Bug-fix for amplitudes without magnitude_hint (see 2021)
* Bug-fix for wavefiles with full path stripping (see 2021)
* Bug-fix for longitudes between -100 and -180 (see 2197)
- obspy.io.reftek:
* Fix problems reading some Reftek 130 files, presumably due to floating
point accuracy issues in comparing timestamps. Internal representation of
time stamps is changed to integer nanosecond POSIX timestamp (see 2036,
2038, 2105)
* Fix a bug that prevents reading files that have no data in first channel
(see 2101)
- obspy.io.sac:
* Allow passing on the byteorder flag from the top-level `obspy.read()`
function (see 2285, 2292).
- obspy.io.seiscomp:
* Fix inventory read when maxClockDrift is unset in SC3ML (see 1993)
* Fix the reading of FIR coefficients when multiple whitespaces in SC3ML
(see 2259)
* Fix the reading of the poles and zeros when multiple whitespaces in SC3ML
(see 2260).
* Fix reading files with zero sampling rates (see 2294 and 2293)
* Fix divide by zero error when parsing sc3ml files of zero sampling rage
(see 2294).
- obspy.io.stationxml
* Allow writing of dates before 1900 also on Python 2 (see 2013, 2015).
* Write the UTC time zone specifier to all times (see 2015).
* Units of first response stage as well as unit response stages are now
determined with some heuristics (see 2250, 2318).
- obspy.io.xseed:
* Third condition to split blockettes when reading RESP files. Now more
forgiving for slightly different files (see 2170, 2189)
- obspy.signal:
* Allow singular COUNT units in evalresp (see 2003, 2011).
* Fix an evalresp issue in case of an analog PAZ stage zero denominator (see
2171 and 2190)
* PPSD: for safety reasons, raise an ObsPyException if trying to read a PPSD
npz file that was written with a newer version of the npz representation
than is used by current ObsPy version (see 2051)
* The ar_pick() trigger function now raises an error if the three data
arrays don't have the same length (see 1801, 2148).
* fix a precision issue in AR picker in case of low amplitude input (see
2252 and 2253)
- obspy.taup:
* Fallback to linear slowness interpolation for very small and shallow
layers (see 2126, 2129).
* Fix bug preventing constant-velocity models with discontinuities at every
layer boundary from being built (see 2264).
* More robust resize method so TauPy now works properly on Python 3.7 (see
2280, 2319).



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