- ``Pipeline`` class to serve as main API - ``DataSource`` class as a base for all data sources - ``CodAB`` data source class for manipulating COD administrative boundaries - Functionality to download and save FewsNet data - Raster processing module - HDX API utility - Caching decorator in IO utility - Configuration files for:
- Bangladesh - Ethiopia - Malawi - Nepal
- `pip-compile <https://github.com/jazzband/pip-tools#version-control-integration>`__ pre-commit hook to update requirements files - Version number is now specified in ``src/aatoolbox/_version.py`` - GitHub actions to run unit tests (using ``tox.ini``) and push to PyPI
Changed ~~~~~~~
- markdownlint pre-commit hook `switched to Node.js source <https://github.com/DavidAnson/markdownlint>`__ - ``requirements.txt`` moved to ``requirements`` directory - ``Area`` class moved to utils - Switched from ``pbr`` to ``setuptools_scm`` for automated git tag versioning - Documentation to be generated using ``sphinx-build`` rather than through ``setup.py``
Removed ~~~~~~~
- ``Makefile`` for generating requirements files - ``setup.py`` as it was only required for ``scm``
Fixed ~~~~~
- Version number reading function used wrong package name
Added ~~~~~
- Configuration class - Base class for data manipulation
Added ~~~~~
- CDS Area module - Package setup with PBR - Pre-commit hooks: black, flake8, mypy plus others - Sphinx documentation