* Fix several bugs in template and results rendering
* Now rounding numeric values in template with 2 digits for more readable reports
* oct-run command is now avaible with a whole new functionnalities:
- Does not run tests with multiprocess and multi-threads anymore
- Now creating a ZMQ pub and pull sockets and waiting for turrets to connect
- The number of turrets to wait is configurable in the project settings
- The oct-run command will now run a "HQ" containing the zmq sockets and will send the start command to turrets
and get informations about them
- The turrets are now located in a new github repository and a new pypi package oct-turrets https://github.com/karec/oct-turrets
- oct-turrets package is now a dependencies of the oct project
- You now have the ability to create a turret in any language supported by zeromq
- oct-browser package has been removed from the dependencies
* OCT now encourage you to use the library you want for the tests (like selenium, mechanize, etc...)
* For compatibility reason, the multi-mech run command are still functionnal but will be soon removed in favor of an oct-run-local command
* Since the oct-browser is not a dependency anymore and you can use any library you want for testing the generic transaction of the core
as been removed. Transaction now inherit by default from the BaseTransaction class located in the oct-turrets package
* A new command has been added `oct-pack-turrets` that will create a tar file from a test folder containing all files and configuration
required for running a turret. This command will generate a tar archive per turret in your project `config.json` file
Last update Thu Sep 8 16:25:46 2016 VALETTE Emmanuel
* You can hotplug a turret while a test is running. This turret will appear in the final report
* The HQ will sleep for 1 second after the creation of the sockets to wait for them
* Remove the GenericTransaction class in oct.core.generic