Added - ExchangeManager generated ID attribute - Order factory methods
Changed - Trader adapted from OctoBot legacy - Order attributes from OctoBot legacy
Updated **Requirements** - Commons version to 1.2.2 - Channels version to 1.3.19 - colorlog version to 4.1.0
Added - Exchange create tentacle path parameter
Updated **Requirements** - Commons version to 1.2.0 - Channels version to 1.3.17ccxt - Backtesting version to 1.3.2 - Websockets version to 1.1.7 - ccxt version to 1.21.6 - scipy version to 1.4.1
Fixed - ExchangeSymbolData symbol_candles and symbol_klines visibility to public - CandleManager incompatible static method
Fixed - Removed CCXT find_market method
Updated **Requirements** - Commons version to 1.1.51 - Channels version to 1.3.6 - Backtesting version to 1.3.1 - Websockets version to 1.1.6 - ccxt version to 1.20.80 - ccxt version to 1.20.80 - scipy version to 1.3.3