*Released date : January 27 2019*
**Warning** :
- Now requires Python 3.7
- Requires to reinstall all default tentacles (start.py -p reset_tentacles && start.py -p install all)
- If you use the telegram interface, you can add your telegram username in telegram config whitelist
Concerned issues :
481 [Exchange] Use async exchange call provided by ccxt
495 [Global] refactor multi-threaded architecture into async architecture
502 [Setup] Update and improve setup.py
505 [Web interface] add full offline support for the whole bot and interfaces services & interfaces
506 [Profitability] add no trades hypothetical profitability using initial portfolio
509 [Matrix] Migrate to dataclass
517 [Bug][Strategy Optimizer] can't change strategy once selected the 1st one in web interface
526 [Docker] Migrate to python:3.7.2-slim-stretch
532 [PIP] Create pip OctoBot package
533 [Security] Add an optional authentification system for external interfaces
534 [Data collector] migrate standalone datacollector into async arch
536 [Installation doc] update raspberry install script
538 [Trader] MIN_NOTIONAL error when creating order
539 [Web Interface] separate required config and default creation fields in services
540 [Web Interface] add help info on configuration fields
543 [Async] Appveyor warnings are raised
549 launcher_windows.exe virus total
550 [Release] Add release checksum
553 [Release CI] Create macos binary at release
561 [Notifier] Add notifier providers to web interface
567 [Notifier] add notifier support for web interface
571 [User experience] add documentation and help messages regarding configuration and interfaces
572 [Donation] add donation systems
576 [Binary] Can't restart bot with binary from interface
578 [Bug][Async] Can't stop OctoBot properly
585 [RestExchange] reccurent exchange side error handling
591 [User feedback] add feedback systems
592 start on vps?
593 [Web&Bot Interface] Add OctoBot version
594 [Tentacles] handle incompatible tentacles
595 [GUI] Remove pre-launcher
596 [Web interface] handle recurent "can't find matching symbol" warnings
600 [Public Messages] add public messages handling
603 [Web interface] manage candles from index page when bot just started and data are not available
606 [Web interface] fix firefox link button display
New features :
- Full asyncio architecture for the core engine of the bot
- Replaced TK launcher window by web launcher
- Now check tentacles versions and validity at initialization
- Added initial portfolio profitability
- Can now add a user whitelist on telegram interface
- Improved web interface user experience
- Added several help systems on web interface
- Added current OctoBot version on web and telegram interface
- Can now display global announcements
- Added donation addresses
- Added several new notification systems
- Can now properly stop and restart OctoBot from web interface
- Can now properly stop OctoBot using CTRL+C
- Optimized execution using data classes
- Added offline mode with limited options
- Tested on MacOS X
- Octobot available on PIP
- Reduced Docker image size
- Added checksum on binary versions
Bug fixes :
- Can now change selected strategy in optimizer multiple calls
- Can now change restart OctoBot from the web interface
- Won't spam can't find matching symbol warning anymore
- Fixed Firefox display bugs on web interface
- Now handles errors occuring on rest exchange api side