Noteworthy changes
* 1.x Deprecation removals
* Provider, Source, and Processor shims removed, they've been warnings for >
1yr. Everything should be using and referring to provider-specific
modules now.
* Provider.strict_supports defaults to true, can be returned to the old
behavior by setting strict_supports=False in your provider params.
* octodns.record has been broken up into multiple files/modules. Most of the
primary things that were available at that module path still will be, but if
you are importing things like idna_encode/decode that actually live elsewhere
from octodns.record you'll need to update and pull them from their actual
home. Classes beginning with _ are not exported from octodns.record any
longer as they were considered private/protected.
* Beta support for auto-arpa has been added, See the
[auto-arpa documentation](/docs/ for more information.
* Support for subnet targeting in dynamic records, see
[this section](/docs/dynamic_records.mdsubnets) of dynamic records
documentation for more information.
* Enhanced validations on dynamic rules to encourage best practices
* The last rule must be a catch-all w/o any targeted geos or subnets
* Geos must not be repeated in multiple rules
* Geos in rules and subsequent rules must be ordered most to least specific,
e.g. NA-US-TN must come before NA-US, which must occur before NA
* Similarly, subnets must not be repeated in multiple rules, and various
subnet rules must be ordered such that most specific subnets appear before
less specific ones; e.g. must appear before
* Subnet targeting is considered to be more specific than geo targeting, so
subnet-only rules must appear before any subnet+geo rules, followed by
geo-only rules (and catch-all rule w/o any geos/subnets in the end)
* Added new DsRecord type (provider support will be added over time)
* Added simple IgnoreRootNsFilter
* Minor refactor on YamlProvider to add get_filenames making it a bit easier to
create specialized providers inheriting from it
* Fixed bug in OwnershipProcessor when all changes were removed from plans