
Latest version: v24.3.27

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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* Refactoring of `flatc` generators to use an interface (7797).

* Removed legacy cmake support and set min to 3.8 (7801).


* Reworked entry points for Typescript/Javascript and compatibility for single
file build (7510)


* Removed go.mod files after some versioning issues were being report (7780).


* Major release! Just kidding, we are continuing the
[versioning scheme](https://github.com/google/flatbuffers/wiki/Versioning) of
using a date to signify releases. This results in the first release of the new
year to bump the tradition major version field.

* Go minimum version is now 1.19 (7720) with the addition of Go modules.

* Added CI support for Big Endian regression testing (7707).

* Fixed `getFullyQualifiedName` in typescript to return name delimited by '.'
instead of '_' (7730).

* Fixed the versioning scheme to not include leading zeros which are not
consistently handled by every package manager. Only the last release
(12.12.06) should have suffered from this.


* Bug fixing release, no major changes.


* Added Nim language support with generator and runtime libraries (7534).

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