
Latest version: v0.16.0

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Bug Fixes

* Handle installation on systems where Linux kernel space is 64-bit, but Python interpreter or entire user space is 32-bit; Closes 63

* Gracefully re-initialize worker threads when certain OctoPrint settings stored in thread-local state are changed (device registration and auth token).

Release branch: https://github.com/bitsy-ai/octoprint-nanny-plugin/pull/65



* Receive notifications on percentage progress/completion of a print
* Added UI notification system to Print Nanny Webapp (new Vue app)
* Added a TypeScript API client (unpublished)
* Added notification settings and history to Print Nanny Webapp

A more detailed write up is coming in the first ever Print Nanny newsletter!

Bug Fixes
* fixes 59
* Fixes a bunch exceptions appearing in HoneyComb

![Screenshot from 2021-01-18 21-47-39](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/2601819/104992932-df59a680-59d6-11eb-991b-a1e893c13237.png)


* Added explicit errors if attempting to install plugin in a Python2 environment, or on an unsupported CPU architechture.
* Tracking Python2 -> Python3 upgrade issues on OctoPi 0.17.0 45 - some folks report their OctoPrint virtual environment still uses Python2's pip module [after following this upgrade guide](https://octoprint.org/blog/2020/09/10/upgrade-to-py3/). Subscribe to #45 if you are running OctoPi 0.17.0 and want to be notified of a fix! :bug:


* Bump `print-nanny-client` version, closes 40
* Fix a bug in aarch64 installation logic, closes 42


* Attempt to install platform dependencies with and without sudo 36


* Install make, python3-dev, and libATLAS (Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra Software) C library during build step
* Permit null fields in Printer Profile serializer

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