Whats changed?
- [x] Fixed session terminating on error
- [x] Added a csv logger: users will get to choose whether they wish to log output to a .csv file or not.
- [x] For output that comes in bulk, users will get to specify how many result they wish to see
- [x] Added a prompt for the ``exit`` command
- [x] Added 1 subcommand to the ``user`` command: ``user:follows`` will now be used to check if user(A) follows user(B). ``user:following`` will now be used to return a list of user that the target is following
- [x] Added 2 subcommands to the ``repo`` command: ``repo:issues`` used for getting issues of a repository. ``repo:releases`` for getting releases of a repository
- [x] Added 2 subcommands to the ``version`` command: ``version:check`` will be used to check for new releases of octosuite. ``version:info`` will be used to see version information
- [x] Added command ``source`` (for developers): ``source:tarball`` for downloading a tarball of the octosuite source code. ``source:zipball`` for downloading a zipball of the octosuite source code.
- [x] Will now be installing updates from pypi via ``pip install --upgrade octosuite`` (As a result, all update commands have been deprecated)
- [x] Properly formatted output in commits search results
- [x] Perfomance improvements