What's Changed
* Support integer inputs for CRS constructor in https://github.com/opendatacube/odc-geo/pull/64
* Add CRS.utm and support crs="utm" inputs in to_crs methods in https://github.com/opendatacube/odc-geo/pull/65
* Implement reproject for dataset objects in https://github.com/opendatacube/odc-geo/pull/69
* Geometry can be constructed from arbitrary GeoJSON, including `type=FeatureCollection`
* Add GCPGeoBox in https://github.com/opendatacube/odc-geo/pull/62 https://github.com/opendatacube/odc-geo/pull/68
* Generalize slicing into `GeoBox`, can slice with any geometry, geobox or boundingbox
* New methods for constructing `GeoBox` that match the grid of other geobox
* `GeoBox.snap_to`, `GeoBox.enclosing`
* Method for generating quasi-random pixel location samples
* Method for projecting geometries between pixel and world coordinates, `.project`
* `rio_geobox` converter method to read in geobox from rasterio file handle
Various Small Improvements
* Understand `_FillValue` attribute populated by `rioxarray`
* More helper methods on the `BoundingBox` class
* `.boundary`
* `.aoi`
* `.qr2sample(..)`
* `Geometry.assign_crs(..)` and optional `crs=` in `Geometry.transform(op, crs=..)`
* More robust `.geojson(..)` generation from geometries
* Fixes in `.dropna()` to handle holes in polygons
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/opendatacube/odc-geo/compare/v0.2.2...v0.3.0