23 December 2023
Some minor fixes in the GrandOrgue ODF checking.
Addition of the Hauptwerk to GrandOrgue ODF conversion feature. Here are the steps to use it :
- unzip a Haupwerk sample set (not encrypted) in the disk of your computer
- launch OdfEdit
- click on the button "Open" then select the organ definition file (extension .Organ_Hauptwerk_xml, located in the folder OrganDefinitions of the sample set package) of the Hauptwerk sample set that you want to play with GrandOrgue. OdfEdit will create a GrandOrgue ODF located in the folder OrganDefinitions, having the same name as the Hauptwerk ODF and the extension .organ.
- load this new .organ file in GrandOrgue and play with it.
Some functions of the organ are not yet converted with the v2.0 : enclosure, tremulant, noises (stops, keys, blower, ...), combinaisons, conditional switches. They will come in next releases.
Warnings may be generated by GrandOrgue while loading a sample set make for Hauptwerk :
Warning: "Filename '%s' not compatible with case sensitive systems"
This is caused by the fact that some characters in the files path or name have not the same case between the ODF and the package.
Solution : change in the ODF or in the package the case of the characters which are causing the warning.
Warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
Solution : open each image causing the warning with for example IrfanView or FastStone Image Viewer and then resave the image.
If you encounter errors with a Hauptwerk sample set please open a discussion here : https://github.com/GrandOrgue/ODFEdit/discussions, indicating the name of the sample set and where it can be downloaded.