===== - IMP: Support added for Odoo 9.0 - IMP: Support added for Python 3.5 - IMP: The 'data' parameter of the 'ODOO.http()' method is now optional
===== - FIX: 'ODOO.exec_workflow()' method now works correctly (issue 7) - FIX: .travis.yml - URL of wkhtmltox has changed (issue 9) - FIX: README.rst - Fixed shields (pypip.in replaced by shields.io)
===== - IMP: Sphinx Doctest integration (with Travis CI) - IMP: Internal Python modules reorganized - FIX: The recordset environment/context was not taken into account when calling a RPC method from it ('ODOO.env' was used instead) - FIX: Missing the MANIFEST.in file (issue 6)