**API Keys:**
- New documentation section on api keys. Fixes [11](https://github.com/smarie/python-odsclient/issues/11)
- New methods `get_apikey()` and `<ODSClient>.get_apikey()` for debugging purposes
- API keys can now be provided through OS Environment Variables. Fixes [6](https://github.com/smarie/python-odsclient/issues/6). New method `<ODSClient>.get_apikey_from_envvar()` for debugging.
- API keys can now be provided through `keyring`. Fixes [8](https://github.com/smarie/python-odsclient/issues/8)
- API key files: `apikeyfile_path` argument renamed `apikey_filepath`. Now tolerating new lines or blanks at the end of api key files. Fixes [12](https://github.com/smarie/python-odsclient/issues/12). `apikey_filepath` now has a default value `'ods.apikey'` and file check is now optional. Fixes [#13](https://github.com/smarie/python-odsclient/issues/13)
- Now correctly raising an error (`InsufficientRightsForODSResourceError`) when rights are not sufficient for a resource. Fixed [7](https://github.com/smarie/python-odsclient/issues/7).
- `enforce_apikey` controls if an api key is mandatory before calling (whatever way it is provided: explicit, file, env variable, or keyring). A `NoODSAPIKeyFoundError` is raised in case none is found.
- Added documentation on target platform customization. Fixes [14](https://github.com/smarie/python-odsclient/issues/14)
- Now tolerating trailing slashs at the end of custom `base_url` (they are removed automatically).
- Init: now exposing `ODSClient` and `ODSException` at the root package level.
- new method `get_apikey()` on `ODSClient`
0.2.0 - datasets as pandas dataframes + misc.
New method `get_whole_dataframe` to directly retrieve a dataset as a pandas dataframe. It works in streaming mode so as to correctly handle large datasets. Fixes [1](https://github.com/smarie/python-odsclient/issues/1)
Added `csv_separator` option to `get_whole_dataset` methods. Set default value of `use_labels_for_header` to `True` to mimic what is available in the ODS website.
Now parsing the ODS errors correctly to raise `ODSException`. Fixes [2](https://github.com/smarie/python-odsclient/issues/2)