New Features
- Possibility to authenticate via github-app. (lachmanfrantisek)
- New method `get_latest_release()` for projects. (marusinm)
- New method for creating releases in GitHub. (lbarcziova)
- Add method for getting releases for Pagure. (lbarcziova)
- Add labels for GitHub pull-requests. (marusinm)
- New methods for getting pull-request/issue permissions (`who_can_marge_pr`, `who_can_close_issue`, `can_close_issue` and `can_merge_pr`). (marusinm)
- New methods to get project's owners and permissions of various users. (marusinm)
- Link GitTag to Release object. (lbarcziova)
- Add method for creating projects/services from url. (lachmanfrantisek)
- Creating/closing/commenting Pagure Issues. (marusinm)
- Correct status handling for Github pull-requests. (marusinm)
- Fix error 404 on `get_file_content`. (lbarcziova)
- Simplify usage of persistent storage and mocking. (lachmanfrantisek)
- CommitStatus renamed to CommitFlag. (lbarcziova)
- Add zuul as a CI system. (TomasTomecek)
- Removed unused functions. (lbarcziova)
- Unify external command invocation by (lbarcziova)
- Add `__str__` and `__eq__` for classes. (shreyanshrs44, lachmanfrantisek)