* Add cp38 dummy runtimes (387)
* Add cp38 dummy eggs (395, 398)
* Update default abi functions to support python 3.8 (390)
* Enable GitHub actions (384)
* Fix build badge to point to travis-ci.com (376)
* Fix path to the okonomiyaki test build project (379)
* Update script that verifies okonomiyaki can read eds eggs (396)
Bug fixes:
* Add rh6 and rh7 dummy eggs to setup.py (369)
* EPDPlatform.pep425_tag will always return 10.6 for macos platforms (374, 387)
* Fix older dummy windows runtime archives to work with recent EDM (391, 397)
* EPDPlatform.from_string will always return fixed release versions (375, 387)