
Latest version: v0.60.2

Safety actively analyzes 685670 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- added the [oletools cheatsheet](https://github.com/decalage2/oletools/blob/master/cheatsheet/oletools_cheatsheet.pdf)
- improved [rtfobj](https://github.com/decalage2/oletools/wiki/rtfobj) to handle malformed RTF files, detect vulnerability CVE-2017-0199
- olevba: improved deobfuscation and Mac files support
- [mraptor](https://github.com/decalage2/oletools/wiki/mraptor): added more ActiveX macro triggers
- added [DocVarDump.vba](https://github.com/decalage2/oletools/blob/master/oletools/DocVarDump.vba) to dump document variables using Word
- olemap: can now detect and extract [extra data at end of file](http://decalage.info/en/ole_extradata), improved display
- oledir, olemeta, oletimes: added support for zip files and wildcards
- many [bugfixes](https://github.com/decalage2/oletools/milestone/3?closed=1) in all the tools
- improved Python 2+3 support


- all oletools now support python 2 and 3.
- olevba: several bugfixes and improvements.
- mraptor: improved detection, added mraptor_milter for Sendmail/Postfix integration.
- rtfobj: brand new RTF parser, obfuscation-aware, improved display, detect executable files in OLE Package objects.
- setup: now creates handy command-line scripts to run oletools from any directory.


- olevba: added PPT97 macros support, improved handling of malformed/incomplete documents, improved error handling and JSON output, now returns an exit code based on analysis results, new --relaxed option.
- rtfobj: improved parsing to handle obfuscated RTF documents, added -d option to set output dir.
- moved repository and documentation to GitHub.


olevba does not deobfuscate VBA expressions by default (much faster), new option --deobf to enable it. Fixed color display bug on Windows for several tools.

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