
Latest version: v0.4.2

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- fix of __init__.py to provide usage of the library (was not working with the v0.1.1 release)
- Adjusted documentation OllamaInstructorClient and its methods chat_completion and chat_completion_with_stream
- Deleted method chat_completion_with_stream_old
- Adjusted documentation README.md and /docs/README.md for correct usage of library
- Adjusted validation_manger.py to correctly import json_parser.core.options

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/lennartpollvogt/ollama-instructor/compare/v0.1.1...v0.1.2


With this release the version "0.1.1" gets published.

- README.md: specifying arguments the `OllamaInstructorClient` class and of its methods `chat_completion` and `chat_completion_with_stream` as well.
- __init__.py: providing the `OllamaInstructorClient` class and the methods of `cleaner.py`
- poetry: setting up poetry for python packaging and version control

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/lennartpollvogt/ollama-instructor/commits/v0.1.1

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