
Latest version: v2025.0.0

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This is a patch release containing the following changes to v2.2.3:
* Fixed build error with GCC 11 (eda1add9567b2491a5e4892a0f8ba7aa1c0016cd)
* Fixed an issue with reorder reporting `unimplemented` when quantizing `f32` weights to `s8` (4f05b76bb765ed8a892be3325730992763025f0b, 5d3d1e18747f210a121cf00d909024ff7b5d8b16, cc77eef809d0331b245eb21a7956d507505700aa)
* Updated name for GPU `gen12` architecture to `xe` (3d202c205473daec426a6de3a32e074db372c09d)


This is a patch release containing the following changes to v2.2.2:
* Fixed a bug in int8 depthwise convolution ptimitive with groups and 1d spatial size for processors with Intel AVX-512 and Intel AVX2 support (8a784c60fa3d074bd719ff7a8aecfe8ff7ff8966, f0e4af96163e5fa41320d24cc6952980b843ca7b)
* Fixed correctness issue for PReLU primitive on Intel Processor Graphics (f3c3daf8a67477fcf3dceb826ea9e84c641ed67d)
* Fixed corretness issue in reorder for blocked layouts with zero padding (68f05d00ae7743f16b41decd9da27599fdb191ec, d51616bc7ebee49f501086ace373d20833cea6fa, fd2c6421f1eff12822ba8808e0f979c60e21b2cd)
* Improved performance of weights reorders used by BRGEMM-based convolution primitive for processors with Intel AVX-512 support (23b2ec0d6f73aba06c722c54eeb6d6ac0082242b, 10f81875774d0cdf8b293146bc0277daa330a48a, 4c0819c432cfad488c897cf1deefe0e89cb11749)
* Added `-fp-model=precise` build flag for DPC++ code (3e40e5e92ebcf40a9115827ce568d32c5049f74a)
* Fixed potential memory leak in matmul primitive (36dba73d0f584d30ce714415a59f42db735f4494)
* Fixed performance of matmul primitive when fused with bias update and sum (f993b25dbe71010fc63ef0a5591ce6d85c9e47c3)
* Fixed a bug in matmul primitive when writing to non-contiguous destination buffer (36d25d4308a0bc5906df44f6ef6afc2074699500)


This is a patch release containing the following changes to v2.2.1:
* Fixed performance regression in fp32 forward inner product for shapes with number of output channels equal to 1 for processors with Intel AVX-512 support (714b1fd7f9ee51cc4b8f8a09ac9a0fc9be8403c9)
* Fixed performance regression in forward convolutions with groups for processors with Intel AVX-512 support(3555d4a76e63f07fd36fdeea3947e0267bfcb814)
* Removed `-std=c++11` build flag for DPC++ headers (1fcb867e37ef48c82ee2c720a0405ad4e6299300)
* Fixed buffer access in initializing workspace in RNN implementation on GPU (9b0309142937001f7140f80c451a294d31464626)
* Fixed fix a bug in convolution with 1x1 kernel and mixed strides on processors with Intel AVX-512 support (d0b3e3fe0b15d9d8c05d21b97df303cdfb101076)
* Used getauxval for Linux to get CPU features on for AArch64 systems (25c4ceaca3472dbd340dc942718a4e4b22c8a77c)
* Added `-fp-model=precise` build flag for DPC++ code (3e40e5e92ebcf40a9115827ce568d32c5049f74a)
* Fixed out-of-bounds writes in elementwise primitive on Intel Processor Graphics (bcf823c48574e163f34abbd4226d7a7af52bf374)


This is a patch release containing the following changes to v2.2:
* Fixed segfault for cases when primitive descriptor or attributed contain `NaN` (e6d05ecf20a110f83bf037be99c6c5110bf4d981, dbca1e9370c49fa4fe0fa0b4a42a4fa86b6e64a6, 0326b096eff60a2813265dce1bcb31c12177023d, 0326b096eff60a2813265dce1bcb31c12177023d)
* Fixed engine creation failure for GPU subdevices (4c3a11438405ca191b1efc24b057286fc236c2d2)
* Fixed long lines clipping in verbose output (70d70a8d064ad802344d90f6395760ef9bd720e2)
* Fixed segfault in bfloat16 convolution weight gradient implementation on processors with Intel AMX support (a3a73a370797bc4b28a6868d533a6fbed0dad0df)
* Fixed performance regression in binary primitive with `per_oc` broadcast strategy (9ac85d8508658adf0b141844f2355448aa5a3a2a)
* Worked around a bug with Microsoft Visual C++ compiler version detection in CMake 3.19 (2f39155b256367e2b37ce782a222144a0b294cdc)
* Removed `-std=c++11` build flag for DPC++ code to align with SYCL standard (1b026f5e303649d9c0f98168a922e6f085001d3c)


Performance Optimizations
* Intel Architecture processors
* Improved performance of int8 compute functionality for future Intel Xeon Scalable processor (code name Sapphire Rapids). The functionality is disabled by default and should be enabled via [CPU dispatcher control](
* Improved performance of compute functionality for future Intel Core processor with Intel AVX2 and Intel DL Boost instructions support (code name Alder Lake).
* Improved fp32 inner product forward propagation performance for processors with Intel AVX-512 support.
* Improved `dnnl_gemm` performance for cases with `n=1` on all supported processors.
* Intel Graphics products
* Introduced NHWC format support for activations for int8 primitives.
* AArch64-based processors
* Improved performance of fp32 and int8 convolution, and softmax primitives for processors with SVE 512 support.
* Improved performance of fp32 convolution via Arm Compute Library (ACL).
* Improved performance of convolution with a combination of `sum` and `relu` post-ops via ACL.

* Extended [eltwise primitive]( with support for `mish` and `hardswish` algorithms.
* Extended [binary primitive]( with support for comparison operators.
* Introduced support for post-ops in GPU resampling implementation.
* Introduced asymmetric quantization support for int8 deconvolution.
* Introduced binary post-ops support for matmul primitive.

* Improved presentation of oneDNN primitives in VTune Amplifier.
* Introduced Linux perf support for AArch64.
* Introduced support for Fujitsu C++ compiler.
* Introduced a build time check for minimal supported ACL version. Currently oneDNN requires ACL 21.02 or later.
* Added support for cuDNN 8.x

Thanks to the contributors
This release contains contributions from the project core team as well as Aleksandr Nikolaev alenik01, araki.kenichi qnet-araki, Arthur Mitrano aaraujom, Dr-Noob Dr-Noob, Gmc2 GHGmc2, higuchi.motoko higuchi-motoko, Joe Ramsay joeramsay, Kentaro Kawakami kawakami-k, Louie Tsai louie-tsai, masafumi yamazaki m-ymzk, Nathan John Sircombe nSircombe, Takumi-H Takumi-Honda. We would also like to thank everyone who asked questions and reported issues.


This is a release candidate for oneDNN v2.2. Please provide feedback and submit defect reports via [Github issues](

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