2. Work with the new xgboost version
3. Remove Python 2.x support
Add the flake8 to be the default code formatter (401)
Fixes 396, xgboost converter for xgboost >= 1.0.2 (397)
Support onnx 1.7 in CI build (398)
fixed the xgboost version (395)
fix ceiling-mode defaults for pool operators (AvgPool, MaxPool) (388)
Update documentation, add examples (385)
Remove support of python 2.7 (383)
upgrade to 1.7 (384)
Fix for onnx 1.7 release (381)
Ping h2o version== (377)
Fix xgboost converter (373)
xgboost not supporting 1.0 version. (372)
Known issues:
onnxmltools tf2onnx wrapper can only work with tf2onnx <= 1.5.6.