Key Updates
* Reduced Operator Kernel build allows ORT binaries to be built with only required operators in the model(s) - [learn more](
* **[Preview]** ORT for Mobile Platforms - minimizes build size for mobile and embedded devices - [learn more](
* Transformer model inferencing performance optimizations
* Perf improvement for DistilBERT
* Benchmark tool supports more pretrained models
* Improvements in quantization tool
* Support quantization-aware training models
* Make calibration tool to support general preprocessing and calibrate on input
* Simplify the quantization APIs
* Support of model larger than 2G
* New operators for static quantization: QLinearMul, QLinearAdd, QlinearSigmoid and QLinearLeakyRelu
* Prepack constant matrix B for float GEMM (MatMul, Attention)
* Limited Python 3.8 support added in addition to 3.5-3.7 for official Python packages. Not yet supported for Windows GPU and Linux ARM builds.
* Telemetry enabled in Java and NodeJS packages for Windows builds. Note: data is not directly sent to Microsoft or ORT teams by ONNX Runtime; enabling telemetry means trace events are collected by the Windows operating system and may be sent to the cloud based on the user's privacy settings - [learn more](
* Python API support for RegisterCustomOpsLibrary
* IO Binding API for C/C++/C language bindings. This allows use of pre-allocated buffers on targeted devices and also target device for unknown output shapes.
* Sharing of allocators between multiple sessions. This allows much better utilization of memory by not creating a separate arena for each session in the same process. See [this]( for details.
Windows ML
* NuGet package now supports UWP applications targeting Windows Store deployment (CPU only)
* NuGet package now supports .NET and .NET framework applications
* RUST Developers can now deploy Windows ML – sample and documentation available [here](
* New APIs to for additional performance control:
* IntraopNumThreads: Provides an ability to change the number of threads used in the threadpool for Intra Operator Execution for CPU operators through LearningModelSessionOptions.
* SetNamedDimensionOverrides: Provides the ability to override named input dimensions to concrete values through LearningModelSessionOptions in order to achieve better runtime performance.
* Support for additional ONNX format image type denotations – Gray8, normalized [0..1] and normalized [-1..1]
* Reduced Windows ML package size by separating debug symbols into separate distribution package.
Execution Providers
* CUDA updates
* CUDA 10.2 / cuDNN 8.0 in official package
* CUDA 11 support added and available to build from source
* CUDA conv kernel support asymmetrical padding to fully support models such as YoloV3 for improved GPU perf
* TensorRT EP updates
* Support for TensorRT 7.1
* Added TensorRT engine caching feature, turned on by setting env variable ORT_TENSORRT_ENGINE_CACHE_ENABLE=1
* TensorRT builds are now built with the Execution Provider as a separate dll. If enabled in the build, the provider will be available as a shared library. This was previously also enabled for the DNNL EP (ORT 1.3). Other Execution Providers will be added in the future.
* OpenVINO EP updates
* Support for OpenVINO 2020.4
* Added runtime options for VPU hardware to select specific hardware device and enable fast compilation of models.
* Enable C binding support for OpenVINO EP
* DirectML EP updates
* API available for Python ([build from source]( and C [Microsoft.ML.OnnxRuntime.DirectML](
* 7 new operators for ONNX 1.7 (opset 12): Celu, GreaterOrEqual, LessOrEqual, ArgMin/Max with select_last_index, GatherND with batch_dim, RoiAlign
* New data integer types were added to existing operators: Clip int, Max int, Min int, MaxPool int8, ReduceMin int8, ReduceMax int8, Pow int exponent
* Higher dimension support 1D to 8D added to these operators: ElementWise*, Activation*, Reduce*, ArgMin/ArgMax, Gather*, Scatter*, OneHot
* 64-bit support for indices on GPU's that support it: Gather, Scatter, OneHot, ArgMax/ArgMin, Cast.
* Android NNAPI EP updates:
* Support for dynamic input shape
* Int32/float32/uint8 data type
* 50% more supported operators (36 total)
* Support for Uint8 static quantization
* Smaller binary size
* Lower memory consumption
* CPU fallback for Android level 26-
* MiGraphX EP updates
* Added ONNX operators: GatherElements, NonZero, Equal, and Where
* Support for Boolean data type
* Improve support for existing operators:
* Asymmetric padding of AveragePool
* Multi-dimensional support for Convolution, Pooling, LRN, and Batchnormalization
* Ceil mode support for AveragePool and MaxPool
* More general approach to check whether constant folding is possible
* Improved graph partitioning logic
Training (RC3 release)
* New and improved API to simplify integration with PyTorch trainer code - [see instructions here](
* Updated CUDA 11 / cuDNN 8.0 support to accelerate in NVIDIA A100
Dependency updates
MacOS binaries now rely on openmp to be installed. See [this]( for reference.
Contributors to ONNX Runtime include members across teams at Microsoft, along with our community members:
[gwang-msft](, [snnn](, [skottmckay](, [hariharans29](, [thiagocrepaldi](, [tianleiwu](, [wangyems](, [RandySheriffH](, [yufenglee](, [SherlockNoMad](, [smk2007](, [jywu-msft](, [liqunfu](, [edgchen1](, [yuslepukhin](, [tiagoshibata](, [fdwr](, [ashbhandare](, [iK1D](, [wschin](, [BowenBao](, [zhanghuanrong](, [RyanUnderhill](, [ryanlai2](, [askhade](, [pranavsharma](, [martinb35](, [suffiank](, [ytaous](, [KeDengMS](, [rayankrish](, [natke](, [YUNQIUGUO](, [range4life](, [smkarlap](, [zhangxiang1993](, [xzhu1900](, [codemzs](, [weixingzhang](, [stevenlix](, [tracysh](, [mosdav](, [jingyanwangms](, [tlh20](, [souptc](, [orilevari](, [kit1980](, [yangchen-MS](, [faxu](, [fs-eire](, [wenbingl](, [chilo-ms](, [xkszltl](, [Andrews548](, [yuzawa-san](, [MaximKalininMS](, [jgbradley1](, [nickfeeney](, [zhijxu-MS](, [Tixxx](, [suryasidd](, [Craigacp](, [duli2012](, [jeffbloo](